This month, we continue the transformation that began on November 19, 2024, when Pluto entered Aquarius. The unusual astrological patterns forming now and over the next 18 months are paving the way for one of the most remarkable changes in world history. During this period, all the outer planets will shift signs, moving from water and earth into air and fire signs.
Water and earth signs value money and possessions. They are practical, grounded, and focused on the present. However, they can also be greedy, risk-averse, and lacking in ideals. In contrast, air signs are mental, and fire signs are spiritual. This combination can potentially bring a much-needed, long-delayed shift in consciousness. Air and fire signs are idealistic, positive, creative, entrepreneurial, revolutionary, aspirational, and humorous.
Currently, Pluto is in Aquarius (an air sign). Later this year, Saturn and Neptune will move into Aries (fire signs). By 2026, Uranus will enter Gemini (an air sign), and Jupiter will join Leo (a fire sign). These planetary movements will align harmoniously through conjunctions, sextiles, and trines. Some astrologers are calling this era a Golden Age.
However, I hesitate to fully embrace the idea of a "Golden Age." As someone with a Saturnine perspective, I recognize the potential downsides. Fire and air signs can be fanatical, prone to inflation, scattered, impractical, and untethered. Interestingly, we have a president coming into office who embodies these elements—a fire and air person navigating these energetic waves. Kamala Harris, too, is dominated by fire and air elements. It feels almost fated that two such candidates would emerge during this unique period. For both candidates to embody these elements and run for president simultaneously is statistically rare. If you doubt the influence of fate, think again.
(Astrologers: I’m using the elements of the Sun, Moon, and Ascendant signs.)
The History of Inauguration Day
Inauguration Day was originally set in early March. The Masons who founded the United States chose this timing to form a harmonious water grand trine with Election Day (November 5) and America’s birth (July 4). This configuration symbolized harmonious adjustment. However, in 1933, the date was changed to January, breaking this alignment—a decision of so-called enlightened modernity.
Trump’s Chart on Inauguration Day
For Donald Trump, Jupiter on Inauguration Day will sit in his 10th house of career and calling, conjunct his North Node of destiny—an auspicious placement. Interestingly, Jupiter was stationary at Trump’s birth, proclaiming, “This is my son.” Jupiter, the great protector, often shields those born under its influence. Yet on this particular day, Jupiter will be retrograde. Could this indicate a withdrawal of blessings? Trump also faces a significant challenge with Mars opposing Pluto across his Ascendant and Descendant—a tense aspect exact on January 3 but still in effect during the inauguration.
The Symbolism of the Dollar Bill
Symbols hold profound meaning, particularly in the United States. The reverse side of the dollar bill displays an unfinished pyramid, an essential image for the nation. If we shift to digital currency, as seems likely under fire and air energies, this symbol may be lost. During the dark days of 1942, Vice President Henry Wallace—deeply influenced by esoteric spirituality—pleaded with President Roosevelt to restore the Great Seal on the dollar, recognizing its significance.
America has a rich symbolic landscape, especially in Washington, D.C., where mythological and astrological imagery abounds. There are 1,000 statues dedicated to Isis (Virgo) and 23 public zodiacs in government buildings, along with countless other symbols adorning monuments and interiors. Symbols are the language of the unconscious, shaping the psyche of those who live there.
If you don’t live in D.C., examine the statues and images in your city or town. These images impact the local population and may even call you to settle there. For instance, my hometown features a prominent statue of Hebe, the Greek goddess who served ambrosia to the gods. While I love the idea of serving the gods, my saturnine skepticism sees another possibility: heavy drinking among the locals!
Highlights for this month:
Note to my Astrology Clients. Use your Planetary Placement and Ascendant sheet to find if you have a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or the ascendant within 2 degrees of the degree of the transits listed below. If so, the transit will have a significant impact on you.
Jan 2 – Venus enters Pisces until Feb 4. Watch out for this one, especially if you have personal planets in Pisces. You could be wide open to manipulation, seduction, and a victim of all of the vampires out there waiting to suck your energy. The best way to use this is in creative expression, making spiritual connections, and taking off to a beautiful vacation spot.
Jan 3 – Mars Opposite Pluto at 1 degree of Leo/Aquarius. The Mars-Pluto opposition is a rare planetary event that occurs when two powerful forces clash in a volatile power struggle. It's said to bring out the best and worst of these celestial energies and to call for people to confront their deepest fears and desires. These are two bad guys in a fistfight. Try to keep your cool if you have any personal planets or the ascendant within a few degrees of this opposition.
Jan 6 – Mars Retrograde enters Cancer until April 18 - Mars turned retrograde on Dec 6 in Leo, he will turn direct on the 23rd of February at 17 Cancer. Now is a time to reflect on past decisions and actions rather than forging ahead with new initiatives. Your energy may feel stagnant, leading to frustration, delays, or even unresolved anger. Instead of acting impulsively, this period encourages careful planning and reevaluation. Past conflicts or challenges may come up for resolution.
Jan 8 – Mercury enters Capricorn until the 27th. Your mind shifts toward a more serious, disciplined, and practical tone. This transit emphasizes structured thinking, planning, and communication grounded in realism. Use this time to organize your thoughts and tackle tasks requiring focus and discipline.
Jan 12 – Mars Trine Neptune at 27 degrees of Cancer/Pisces. the energies of assertiveness and action (Mars) harmonize with those of imagination, spirituality, and intuition (Neptune). This transit offers a blend of motivation and inspiration, making it an excellent time to pursue activities that combine creativity with action or practicality with compassion. Engage in creative or artistic projects. Start or deepen a spiritual practice. Help others in ways that require compassion and understanding. Take intuitive, inspired actions toward your goals. This can be a deeply fulfilling and magical period.
Jan 13 – Full Moon at 24 Cancer in a trine to Uranus at 23 Taurus. This Full Moon encourages emotional breakthroughs or creative approaches to stability and security. This transit offers a potent mix of emotional depth and fresh, innovative energy—great for making meaningful changes in your personal life. Insights or opportunities arise around home, family, or personal comforts that feel serendipitous and exciting.
Jan 15 – Sun Opposite Mars at 26 Capricorn/Cancer. This creates tension between action and discipline: You might feel easily provoked or defensive, as this aspect can bring a sense of frustration if things don’t go as planned. Cancer and Capricorn often highlight the axis of home (Cancer) and career (Capricorn), so themes related to work-life balance, family responsibilities, and professional ambitions may come into focus.
Jan 18 – Venus Conjunct Saturn at 15 Pisces. This aspect can bring a mix of emotional depth, and seriousness in relationships. Saturn can bring a sense of loneliness or emotional distance, especially in Pisces, where boundaries can feel blurred. There might be a tendency to judge yourself or others harshly during this transit.
On this day, we will see 6 planets lined up in the sky; Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, and, Neptune. This is a rare configuration happening about 100 years or so. This parade of planets symbolizes a harbinger of new beginnings.
Jan 19 – Sun Enters Aquarius until Feb 18 . This energy often encourages innovation, intellectual pursuits, and community-oriented thinking. It's a time for embracing individuality, connecting with like-minded people, and thinking outside the box.
Jan 21 – Sun Conjunct Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius. This aspect is a powerful and transformative aspect that brings deep focus, intensity, and an opportunity for personal and societal transformation. This could manifest as revelations of corruption or power imbalances, particularly in Aquarian domains like technology or governance. Aquarius’ collective and futuristic energy might drive major societal shifts or revolutions in technology, social justice, or communal ideals. You may feel an urge to break free from societal norms, traditions, or constraints that no longer serve you. This conjunction brings light to hidden depths, uncovering buried fears, desires, or truths. Be mindful of obsessive tendencies or conflicts stemming from the need to dominate or manipulate.
Jan 25 – Venus Trine Mars at 22 Pisces/Cancer. This positive aspect creates a harmonious flow between love, passion, and emotional connection, blending Venus's dreamy, compassionate energy with Mars's nurturing and protective drive. This aspect enhances romantic and creative relationships, fostering mutual understanding and a deep emotional bond. Venus in Pisces brings sensitivity and imagination, while Mars in Cancer adds warmth and a desire to care for others, making this a time of tender yet passionate expressions of love. It’s an ideal moment for deepening intimacy, pursuing artistic or creative projects, or resolving conflicts with empathy and cooperation.
Jan 27 – Mercury enters Aquarius until 14 February. This aspect brings sharp, innovative, and forward-thinking energy to communication, ideas, and mental processes. Aquarius’s influence encourages original thinking, intellectual curiosity, and a focus on humanitarian or collective concerns. Conversations during this transit are likely to be stimulating and filled with new perspectives, as Mercury thrives in Aquarius’s inventive and unconventional environment. This is an excellent time for brainstorming, embracing technology, and finding creative solutions to complex problems. The transit also supports expressing your individuality through unique ideas and connecting with like-minded groups or communities to share visionary plans.
Jan 29 – New Moon at 9 Aquarius. A New Moon in Aquarius marks a powerful time for fresh starts that focus on individuality, innovation, and collective progress. This lunation encourages setting intentions that prioritize freedom, unconventional ideas, and meaningful connections with others. Aquarius's energy inspires forward-thinking and progressive change, making it an ideal moment to embrace technology, humanitarian efforts, or creative collaboration. It’s a time to break free from outdated patterns and envision a future that aligns with your authentic self and shared goals. Reflect on how you can contribute to the greater good while honoring your unique perspective and individuality.
Mercury Conjunct Pluto at 1 degree of Aquarius. This aspect brings intense mental focus, penetrating insight, and a powerful drive to uncover hidden truths. This transit enhances your ability to think deeply and critically, making it an excellent time for research, problem-solving, or transformative conversations. In Aquarius, this conjunction encourages revolutionary ideas and innovative approaches to challenges, particularly in areas related to technology, social systems, or collective goals. Communication during this transit can be profound and transformative, but it may also carry a sharp edge, as words have the power to influence and provoke. Use this energy to delve into meaningful topics and to share your insights with clarity and purpose.
Jan 30 – Uranus turns direct at 23 degrees of Taurus. Uranus is innovative and disruptive energy shifts. Now in its forward motion, it accelerates changes in areas related to stability, material security, and personal values. Taurus, a sign associated with resources, comfort, and the physical world, becomes a fertile ground for Uranus's revolutionary influence. This is a time when unexpected shifts in finances, relationships with nature, or even technological advancements in agriculture or sustainability might come to the forefront. You may feel a renewed urge to break free from outdated habits and create a life more aligned with your evolving values. The direct motion energizes progress, encouraging bold but grounded steps toward building a future rooted in authenticity and innovation.
JUPITER is in Gemini until June 9, 2025. He is retrograde this month until Feb 4, 2025, when he will move direct. This month he will move backward from 13 to 11 degrees of Gemini. Jupiter is the big, fat, happy guy who is expansive in everything. But when he is retrograde it’s a time to reevaluate how you want to grow, your beliefs, and your goals. It’s time to focus inward, into your plans for expansion and abundance. Being retrograde in Gemini, he wants to review and perfect his talent for speaking, learning, teaching, and writing.. Look to the house in your birth chart that contains Gemini. For the next year, Jupiter will bring good luck and opportunities to the house containing Gemini.
SATURN is in Pisces until May 26, 2025. This month Saturn will move from 14 to 17 degrees of Pisces. Saturn rules your material world and especially your career. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets anywhere from 12 to 19 degrees of Pisces or Virgo, you may be in store for some hard lessons about the issues in the house containing Pisces and or Virgo. Pisces is a creative dreamer. While in Pisces, Saturn will solidify your dreams and fantasies. On the world stage, Saturn in Pisces can result in our institutions dissolving and the old systems breaking down.
URANUS is in Taurus until April 2026. Uranus is retrograde until January 30 and stays at 23 degrees of Taurus this month. This is the time to break loose and radically change your life. I believe in ‘cooperating with the inevitable.’ If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets (21 to 26) degrees of Taurus or Scorpio), go on an extended vacation, preferably to somewhere you have never been. Or make some significant changes in your life. Taurus represents the earth. Expect news about farming, food, earthquakes, volcanos, tornadoes, or other major weather changes while Uranus is in Taurus.
NEPTUNE is in Pisces until 2026. Neptune stays at 27 degrees of Pisces all month. If you have the ascendant or personal planets anywhere from 25 to 29 degrees of Pisces or Virgo, you may lack focus during this time and want to daydream. Beware of a betrayal, a disappointment, and a sense of drifting. Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, and creative expression, increased dreams, and spiritual insights. Watch for inspired films to come out when Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Aquarius and stays at 1 degree all month. Pluto grinds away at your psyche, bringing up all sorts of complex psychological issues. You should run to your nearest therapist, especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets anywhere from 29 degrees of Capricorn to 3 degrees of Aquarius. Pluto asks what needs to die to be reborn.
Have an exciting 2025. Ride with the changes.
Janet Kane