In January 2023 an1800 year old Statue of Hercules was found in Greece. According to the Buddhist tradition, spiritual knowledge is hidden until mankind is ready to appreciate the teachings. Hidden knowledge of this type is called a terma. Examples of termas are the gnostic gospels which were discovered in 1945 and The Dead Sea Scrolls which were discovered between 1946 and 1956. These documents date back to 1800 to 2000 years ago. Mankind had evolved enough to understand both of these documents and they were discovered at a time when they couldn’t easily be censored by the Church. The discovery of Hercules brings awareness of the twelve labors of Hercules, which correlates to the 12 signs of the zodiac. Here is an excellent article by astrologer Dale O’Brien about Hercules and his close friend Chiron. Does digging up Hercules mean that the archetype of the hero has been awakened? Because Pluto is in Aquarius (the people), this might not mean a hero is coming to save us, but instead, each of us might find our heroic power.
King Charles III’s Coronation is on May 6. There is something weird about this coronation date because it is one day after a lunar eclipse and during Mercury retrograde. First off, a lunar eclipse is the worst time for a coronation because lunar eclipses are about endings, not beginnings. Also, Mercury retrograde can mean that there could be glitches in the proceedings and something has to be done over again. Or what is started doesn’t last long. The Royal Family has used astrologers for centuries, so why did they pick this date? It could be that King Charles regards himself as modern and does not believe in the outdated ancient art of astrology. When he was born a few of the best British astrologers wrote that he didn’t have a well-placed Jupiter and would never be king. Prince William on the other hand has Jupiter in the 10th house, the sign of a king. I don’t know; let’s wait to see what happens. You can read about the natal chart of King Charles III here.
King Charles may not use astrologers, but I expect that Robert F. Kennedy Jr does. He announced his candidacy right before the New Moon, Solar Eclipse (New beginnings), and at the exact time that the ascendant was on the USA Sun. Astrologically, this will be an interesting campaign to watch.
Mercury is still retrograde this month until the 14th. This retrograde nearly did me in so I don’t want to talk about it.
Dates to Watch:
Note to my Astrology Clients. Use your Planetary Placement and Ascendant Sheet to find if you have a personal planet (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or the ascendant within 2 degrees of the degree of the transit degrees listed below. If so, the transit will have a major impact on you.
May 1 – Pluto turns retrograde at 0 degrees of Aquarius today, dips back into Capricorn on June 1, turns direct in Capricorn on Oct 10, and reenters Aquarius for good on January 22, 2024. While Pluto is retrograde, it is a time to reflect on power and control issues in your life. Let go of manipulation from others. Also, get rid of smothering and controlling relationships and get free of obsessive and compulsive behaviors. Wow! That is quite a lot of psychological homework to do. So get busy.
Sun Conjunct Mercury at 10 degrees of Taurus. This is the travel of the mind and/or body. Both business and pleasure are fortunate under this aspect.
May 4 – Venus Square Neptune at 26 Gemini/Pisces. You could be a real crybaby today. You feel everyone is picking on you. Well, I think they are. Man up and tell them to push off.
May 5 – Lunar Eclipse at 14 Scorpio. See my Eclipse Report here.
May 7 – Venus enters Cancer until June 5. The lovey-dovey planet is in the sign of home and security. You could become very sensitive and this can lead to maudlin sentimentality. This is a period when you feel like staying home and looking through your family albums and crying about the people who have died. Instead, go on and find some new relatives.
May 9 - Sun Conjunct Uranus at 16 Taurus. Be careful of costly mistakes. Uranus causes us to speed up our thinking and movements. Try to slow down.
May 13 – Venus Trine Saturn at 6 Cancer/Pisces. This is a good aspect. You probably think I never write anything nice, that I’m an old grouch. Well on this aspect you could meet with a friend that you haven’t seen in a long time. Also, you could be enjoying your work and the people you work with.
May 14 – Mercury turns direct at 5 Taurus. Finally! This Mercury retrograde was a toughie on all the Taurus Sun, Moon, and the rising sign people. Now you can start moving ahead. Mercury will be moving slowly for about a week so don’t expect a quick transition to the normal pace of things.
May 15 – Mars Trine Neptune at 27 Cancer/Pisces. Great aspect! You can move ahead on all of your artistic and spiritual projects. You can finally relax from all of the upheaval you have all been going through.
May 16 – Jupiter enters Taurus and stays until May 26, 2024. Taurus rules money and resources and Jupiter is expansive. There could be a tendency to attract wealth during this time, especially for Taurus types. Jupiter was last in Taurus from June 2011 to June 2012. How did you do back then? What part of your life grew or became overblown and out of control at that time?
May 17 – Jupiter Square Pluto at 0 degrees of Taurus/Aquarius. Decisions made at this time about your home and business will remain in place for a long time. You could become self-opinionated and demanding in your attitude. Try not to get into power struggles with others.
May 19 – New Moon at 28 Taurus. This is a positive New Moon because it is in a sextile to Mars and a sextile to Neptune. These aspects support your determination for a fresh start. You can make important changes and make some solid and realistic plans. Start something new today; the wind is at your back.
May 20 – Mars enters Leo and stays until July 10. Mars can kick up a storm here. He doesn’t want to be held back and he doesn’t want to think things through before he acts. The house that contains Leo in your birth chart can be activated now. See the Meaning of houses here.
Mars opposite Pluto at 0 Leo/Taurus/Aquarius. These two planets love to butt heads to see who is tougher. This brings in the element of brute force. Try not to be too headstrong and push for change. And if you try to sneak something over on others, you won’t get away with it.
May 21 – Sun enters Gemini until June 21. Hello Gemini! I think we need some of this energy at this time. Yes, Geminis can tell some tall tales, but they are fun and flexible. Try to go with the flow during this time and don’t believe everything you read.
Sun Trine Pluto at 0 Gemini/Aquarius. You could have an enjoyable and financially rewarding collaboration with someone. Keep your options open for this to come in.
May 23 – Mars Square Jupiter at 1 Leo/Taurus. You may have the urge to get away from everything and everyone right now. Don’t throw out stuff and relationships too fast. Mars is hotheaded and Jupiter isn’t very rational.
May 28 – Sun Square Saturn at 6 Gemini/Pisces. Don’t take any risks. You could experience losses. Or you could get disillusioned by someone in whom you had great faith. Try not to fall into pessimism and sarcasm, which are Saturn’s favorite attitudes.
JUPITER this month moves from 26 Aries to 3 Taurus. He enters Taurus on May 16 and will stay in Taurus until May 26, 2024. Jupiter is the big fat happy guy who is excessive in all things. In Taurus, he wants to buy property, build up this bank account and invest in growth stocks. Look to the house in your birth chart that contains Taurus. This coming year can bring good luck and opportunities to the areas ruled by the natal Taurus house.
SATURN is in Pisces until May 26, 2025. This month he moves from 5 to 6 degrees of Pisces. Saturn rules your material world and especially your career. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets anywhere from 5 to 6 degrees of Pisces, you may be in store for some hard lessons about the issues in the house containing Pisces. Pisces is a creative dreamer. With Saturn here, he will try to solidify your dreams and fantasies.
URANUS is in Taurus until April 2026. This month he will move from 18 to 20 degrees of Taurus. This is the time to break loose and make some radical changes in your life. I believe in ‘cooperating with the inevitable’. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, (16 to 22 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio) go on a long vacation, preferably to somewhere you have never been before. Or make some major changes in your life. Taurus represents the Earth. Expect news about farming, food, earthquakes, volcanos, tornadoes, or other major weather changes while Uranus is in Taurus.
NEPTUNE is in Pisces until 2026. This month he will move from 26 to 27 degrees of Pisces. If you have the ascendant or personal planets anywhere from 24 to 29 degrees of Pisces, you may lack focus during this time and just want to daydream. Beware of a betrayal, or a disappointment, and a sense of drifting. For the rest of us, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, and creative expression, increased dreams, and spiritual insights. Watch for really inspired films to come out when Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Aquarius until March 11, 2043. This month Pluto stays at 0 degrees of Aquarius. He is very good at bringing up deep psychological issues. He grinds away at our psyche, bringing up all sorts of difficult psychological issues. You should run to your nearest therapist, especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets anywhere from 29 degrees of Capricorn to 2 degrees of Aquarius. Pluto asks what needs to die in order to be reborn.
Have a great month.
Janet Kane