August starts out with a bang with Mars on top of Uranus at 18 Taurus. This is definitely the most important transits this month. It is also conjunct with the north node and that adds volume to this aspect. On the positive side Mars rules assertiveness, will, or courage and on the minus side, he rules anger, aggression, and violence. And Uranus is explosive --stay cool. I’m sure this aspect will be reflected in news items this week. Uranus is all about change and it can open a new chapter in your life. If you feel stuck you could get a different perspective on your situation. This may be the breakthrough you need. This aspect was powerful during the last week of July and could hang around until August 11 when it gets triggered by the Full Moon.
The Journey is a good Mary Oliver poem to describe the breakthrough possibilities of this transit.
If your birthday falls between May 6th thru the 16th or Aug 8th thru the 18th or Feb 5th thru the 14th or Oct 9th thru the 19th, there are 10 aspects on your Sun this month including Mars/Uranus/North node conjunction. Some are challenges, some are opportunities. Stay loose. What am I saying; you are all fixed signs. (Taurus, Leo, Aquarius, and Scorpio) and “loose” is not something you are familiar with. You will probably dig in your heels, refuse to change, put your head down and persevere through it all. That’s OK too.
Dates to Watch:
Note to my Astrology Clients. Use your Planetary Placement and Ascendant Sheet to find if the following transits will majorly impact you.
Aug 1 – Mars conjunct Uranus at 18 Taurus. You could feel fed up with a few things in your life. You may decide on this aspect to throw certain situations like your living space, your job and irritating people out the window. You just can’t take it anymore. To put it mildly, this is a disruptive aspect. Don’t take any risks for this week. Change is in the air, but be sure to make the changes to your advantage. You may put a lot of effort into getting free. Conjunctions represent the start of a new cycle. This conjunction of Mars and Uranus could start a long period of finding out who you are, what you stand for, and how to be more independent. It’s important to look at the house and planet this aspect is impacting. Find the location of 15 to 21 degrees of Taurus in your birth chart. See the meaning of the houses here and the meaning of your natal planets here.
Aug 2 – Triple sextile with Venus at 18 Cancer in a sextile to Uranus and Mars. This triple conjunction with Mars and Uranus mollifies this conjunction. It brings a response to love, a sudden active power of creativity. More energy is put into relationships. If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or the ascendant at 15 to 21 degrees of Taurus or Cancer, this will bring some harmony into the outrageous thing you decided to do or say because of the Mars/Uranus conjunction.
Aug 4 – Mercury in Virgo until August 25. This is the most positive placement this month. Mercury is in his exaltation in Virgo. He is excellent here. You will be able to think through your problems and analyze the area of life ruled by your house of Virgo. This is a good time to organize and clean.
Aug 7 – Venus Trine Neptune at 25 degrees of Cancer/Pisces. Neptune sets up a yearning and with Venus; it’s nostalgia for your past relationships. You start looking on Facebook for that guy you dated years ago. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 23 to 27 degrees of Cancer or Pisces try not to be so starry-eyed and romantic today.
Mars square Saturn at 22 degrees of Taurus and Aquarius. Someone may be placing burdens are you that you don’t want. This is interfering with your freedom. But be patient this will be over within a week. Who is pressuring you to take care of business? Is it you doing it to yourself? It may be if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 20 to 24 degrees of Taurus or Aquarius.
Aug 9 – Venus opposite Pluto at 26 Cancer/Capricorn. Ouch. You forgot that the old boyfriend you found on Facebook is a psychopath. On this aspect, Persephone is meeting Hades. What I’ve learned through my many, many, too many years of life is that Persephone is not so innocent and Hades is not all bad. An innocent Persephone type, (I’m talking to you Virgo, Sagittarius, Gemini, and Pisces) brings out the aggressor in a Pluto type. Think about it when you go through this transit. Where is it falling in your natal chart? Check it out if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn.
Aug 11 – Full Moon at 19 Aquarius. This Full Moon is conjunct to Saturn and is squaring the Mars/Uranus aspect of the first week of August. It is shining a spotlight on the tension and anxiety of that week. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 17 to 21 Aquarius or Leo, you could be an intense Full Moon for you.
Sun Square Uranus at 18 degrees of Leo/Taurus. You could make mistakes on this one. You are getting too stirred up by events. Stay off of Twitter. Do you really care what the Democratic Party is up to and that there are still too many Trumpers out there? Calm down; make some adjustments in your personal life that need to change especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 16 to 20 of Leo or Taurus.
Venus enters Leo until Sep 5. This is a very warm-hearted placement for Leo. She wants to entertain, dress up, and live in an environment of luxury. Venus is the queen in this sign. Go stay at a five-star hotel. Gather around all the people who admire you and show off your stuff. Venus in Leo is about enjoying the summer. But, during her traipsing in Leo she will square Uranus on the 27th and oppose Saturn on the 28th. Summer plans can be upset and or stalled on these two days. Look to the house that contains Leo in your birth chart, this is the area of life where you will want to play, seek pleasure and have fun.
Aug 14 – Sun Opposite Saturn at 21 degrees of Leo/Aquarius. Saturn is the Father, the government or authority figures. You want to challenge’ The Man’ today because you feel restricted. It’s best to accept limits and restrictions right now because this will soon pass. Patience is the key for those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 18 to 23 degrees of Leo or Aquarius.
Mars trine Pluto at 26 degrees of Taurus/Capricorn. You have resources available that will let you move through any challenges you have. Opportunities present themselves for clearing up roadblocks and to rid yourself of debris and other things in your life that you no longer need. Time to declutter if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 degrees of Taurus or Capricorn
Aug 16 – Mercury Trine Uranus at 18 Virgo/Taurus. This is a good day for writing, travel, and positive changes. You could make an important new contact today especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 16 to 20 Virgo or Taurus.
Aug 18 – Venus Trine Jupiter at 8 Leo/Aries. This is the most positive aspect of this month. These two planets in fire signs can bring you good luck. Anyway, If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 6 to 10 Leo or Aries, you will have the confidence today to strut your stuff. Plan a party for this day.
Aug 20 – Mars enters Gemini today and goes retrograde on the 30th of October at 25 Gemini and will turn direct on January 12, 2023, at 8 Gemini. This is a long, long time for Mars to be in Gemini. Gemini rules speaking, writing, and change. Start something now that has to do with the mind, speaking and communicating information. This could give a lot of energy to Geminis, but knowing them as I do I think they will just get more anxious and run around starting this and that and accomplish nothing. Gemini is the archetypal ‘Mad Hatter’ and a Gemini was picked to play that role. Guess who? Pray to Saturn to stay grounded. Mars in Gemini will be good for Libra and Aquarius.
Aug 21 – Mercury Opposite Neptune at 24 Virgo/Pisces. This could be very imaginative or it could lead to muddled thinking. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 22 to 25 degrees of Virgo or Pisces, daydream or visit a beautiful environment near the water.
Aug 22 – Mercury Trine Pluto at 26 degrees of Taurus/Capricorn. I love this aspect. Mercury gets help here from the powerhouse, Pluto. You can get help; people come in to support you. If you are an author, you could find the right editor or publisher. Your speech is powerful and you can influence others if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 degrees of Taurus or Capricorn.
Sun enters Virgo until Sep 22. This brings in a month of simplicity and contentment. Your sense of criticism is acute so watch for that from yourself and others. Instead, get on Netflix and criticize the movies.
Aug 24 – Uranus turns retrograde at 18 Taurus and will stay retrograde until January 22, 2023. Planets are the most powerful when they stop in the sky to change direction. Uranus here can bring in sudden events but the problem is you don’t know what the sudden event will be. It helps to look at your natal chart and the house that contains 18 Taurus. That is the area of life that could be shaken up and/or present an opening or an opportunity. A crazy Aquarius could come into your life.
Aug 25 – Mercury enters Libra. Here Mercury wants to compromise, be politically correct and find out what is best for all parties. He has good manners and likes to perform tactful mediation. In other words, he is a real bore here. Mercury turns retrograde on Sep 9 at 8 degrees of Libra and then turns direct on Oct 2 at 25 Virgo.
Aug 27 – Today and tomorrow contain three squares and two oppositions. This is happening on the last weekend of summer when we want to take advantage of the beach and our last free time. Well, my advice is why don’t we all just take our little cots from the daycare corner and lay down and take a nap? For two days! If you decide not to listen to me and no one really does, be careful out there. No fisticuffs! No yelling at other drivers!
New Moon at 4 Virgo Square Mars in Gemini, opposite Jupiter in Pisces. A New Moon in Virgo isn’t too bad once we get through today. Both Virgo and Gemini are ruled by Mercury and Mercury likes to organize, declutter or sort and categorize information. Mars wants to act, and Jupiter wants to dream big. This sets up the energy for the entire month, so get busy.
Venus Square Uranus at 18 Leo and Taurus. Don’t give advice to anyone and don’t ask for it either. Your relatives and friends could be ornery and stubborn. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 16 to 20 Leo or Taurus, maybe you are the contrary one.
Sun Square Mars at 3 Virgo/Gemini. Use moderation on this one. Everyone around you could feel angry. Just keep your head down and mind your own business. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 1 to 5 Virgo or Gemini, find a way to cool down.
Aug 28 – Venus Opposite Saturn at 20 degrees of Leo/Aquarius. You could be criticized today by others who are just showing off all that they know. Be like a stoic; let it just wash over you. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 18 to 22 degrees of Leo or Aquarius, you may be the catty one picking on everyone.
JUPITER entered Aries on May 1, 2022, and will stay in Aries until Oct 29, 2022, when he backs into Pisces. This month he is retrograde and will travel from 8 to 6 degrees of Aries. Jupiter in Aries is about taking the lead in our life. He is the big fat happy guy who was excessive in all things. Jupiter also can expand our experiences, our knowledge, and our confidence. If you have personal planets or the ascendant between 4 to10 degrees of Aries expect expansion and blossoming in that area of your chart.
SATURN is in Aquarius until March 2023. He is retrograde and will move from 22 to 20 degrees this month. Saturn rules our material world, and especially our career. Saturn is the old traditional ruler of Aquarius. So he is happy here. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets 18 to 24 degrees of Aquarius, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Aquarius, he will run around trying to restrict all of the social media that he will call fake news. He hates to see freedom of expression which is what Aquarius is all about.
URANUS is in Taurus until Apr 2026. This month he turns retrograde on August 24 and he stays at 18 degrees of Taurus all month. This is the time to break loose and make some radical changes in your life. I believe in ‘cooperating with the inevitable’. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, (16 to 20 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio) go on a long vacation, preferably to somewhere you have never been before. Or make some major changes in your life. Taurus is the earth. Expect earth events such as farming, food, earthquakes volcanos or major weather events during the period that Uranus is in Taurus.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. Neptune is retrograde this month and will move from 25 to 24 degrees of Pisces. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting, or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the ascendant or Personal Planets at 22 to 27 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams, and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out when Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month, Pluto is moving retrograde and will move from 27 to 26 degrees of Capricorn. He is grinding away in our psyche bringing up all sorts of difficult psychological crap. You should run to your nearest therapist especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 24 degrees of Capricorn to 0 degrees of Aquarius. What needs to die in order to be reborn?
Have a great Month
Janet Kane