When is this s**t going to end? If I hear the word ‘variant’ again I'll scream. Well this month, we have the third of the Saturn/Uranus square. We have dealt with this aspect all year. Saturn and Uranus don’t get along at the best of times, but when they are in a square aspect, we can all experience the difference in their energies. In mythology, Saturn castrated Uranus, ouch. So look for continued protests (Uranus) around the world against lockdown rules (Saturn). On a personal level, we want to be free for the holiday season, but it doesn’t look good because that pesky Saturn square Uranus is exact on Dec 24 and is only 3 degrees apart at the beginning of this month, so expect restrictions, personally and globally all month.
An astrologer I enjoy reading is Lynn Hayes who just wrote a post about the Omicron variant and the pandemic in general. Enjoy
Dates to Watch:
Note to my Astrology Clients. Use your Planetary Placement and Ascendant Sheet to find if the following transits will have a major impact on you.
Dec 1 – Neptune turns direct today at 20 Pisces. Neptune went retrograde in June 2021 in Pisces. Since that time you may have been deceived, confused, or misguided in the areas ruled by the house in your natal chart that contains Pisces. Starting today, the fog will start to clear and you will be able to make sense of those themes. Check out the meaning of the houses here.
Dec 4 – Solar Eclipse at 12 Sagittarius. This eclipse is on the USA ascendant. Watch for an event today that shines a light on how we look to the rest of the world. Something could occur on Dec 4 or at the end of Dec and early January when Mars triggers the eclipse degree. Read more about this eclipse here.
Dec 7 - Mercury Square Neptune at 20 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces. Your rational mind is not too rational today. You would rather daydream and read romance novels. Especially spacy if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or the ascendant at 18 to 22 degrees of Sagittarius or Pisces
Dec 8 – Mars Square Jupiter at 26 degrees of Scorpio/Aquarius. You get all energized to go out in the street and protest. Protest what? You don’t care. You just want to fight with everyone. Keep your tongue and pen under control if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 degrees of Scorpio or Aquarius.
Dec 11 – Venus Conjunct Pluto at 25 Capricorn. This is not fun. Persephone is being dragged to the underworld by Pluto. It’s dark and dingy down there. Venus is love and delight, she wants to be in a cozy, loving relationship, but she meets Pluto, a dark person who shows her things she doesn’t want to look at. Or maybe you meet your own shadow and that can be scarier than vising the literal underworld. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 25 Capricorn, or Cancer, try not to be obsessive, compulsive, possessive, and controlling in your relationships. Because Venus is moving retrograde on Dec 19 you will have this aspect two more times. Sorry.
Dec 12 – Sun Square Neptune at 20 degrees of Sagittarius/Pisces. You could fall into errors of thinking and give someone bad advice. Postpone all decisions for a few days. Watch Netflix and relax. Daydream. You are out of touch with reality if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 18 to 22 degrees of Sagittarius or Pisces.
Dec 13 – Mars enters Sagittarius until Jan 24, 2022. Mars rules our energy and Sagittarius is sports and entertainment. You become driven and assertive. Mars is quite happy in an energetic, fiery sign. He rules Aries which is another energetic fiery sign. You are thinking the sky is the limit, but don’t forget Icarus who flew too close to the Sun. Don’t take on too much or fly too high, you could fall and be disappointed especially if you are a ‘go for it’ Sagittarius.
Mercury enters Capricorn until Feb 14, 2022. Your thinking becomes very practical and you can concentrate on a task. Your communications become orderly, logical, and organized. You are a no-nonsense, bottom-line thinker. But this sounds kind of boring and it is. Focus on your career which may also be boring. Mercury is staying in Capricorn for a long time because he goes retrograde next month on the 14th in Capricorn and turns direct on Feb 4, 2022, still in Capricorn. It gives you a lot of time to get organized.
Dec 18 – Full Moon at 27 degrees of Gemini. A full Moon brings in feelings but Gemini just wants to talk. I hope you don’t start talking about your feelings, no one wants to hear it. This is the peak of the New Moon on Dec 4 Solar Eclipse. What did you plan then? What have you been working on? This Full Moon could bring a culmination to your efforts.
Dec 19 – Venus Retrograde until January 29, 2022. Remember when I told you last month that Venus in Capricorn is all about commitment? Well, not so fast. You may have moved in together and now you are daydreaming about how great it was to be single. Try the moving-in thing again in February 2022.
Dec 20 – Mercury Trine Uranus at 11 Capricorn/Taurus. I like this one; it’s all about being the life of the party. You are witty and vivacious. You could take on a new writing project, especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 9 to 13 Capricorn or Taurus.
Dec 21 – Sun enters Capricorn until January 19, 2022. On this day the Goddess gives birth to the Sun. We are leaving the darkest part of the year.
Dec 24 – Saturn Square Uranus at 11 Aquarius/Taurus. This can cause a lot of inner tension for you. You want to rebel, but realize you may lose the support you need. If you stay in your comfort zone, you may be giving up on your independence. What to do? I wish I knew. This will be especially bothersome for those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 9 to 13 of Aquarius or Taurus.
Dec 25 – Christmas Day. Venus Conjunct Pluto at 25 Capricorn again. What a lousy aspect to have on Christmas Day. There may be some manipulating, controlling person giving you dirty looks across the dinner table. Who is it, Aunt Mabel? Stay alert; don’t get dragged into a family drama especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 25 Capricorn. This aspect will happen once more on March 3, 2022.
Dec 28 – Jupiter enters Pisces until May 10, 2022. Look for the house that contains Pisces. It’s the same house you looked at for stationary Neptune. The areas ruled by this house will receive abundance, blessing, good luck, and all of the good things of life. Jupiter is not called the Big, Fat, Happy Guy for nothing. It is where we get the word jovial, so enjoy yourself. He will enter my second house of money so I just may become too wealthy to bother writing to you anymore. Jupiter and Neptune are both in Pisces now and will conjunct on April 22, 2022. Because Jupiter and Neptune both rule culture, a lot of astrologers are expecting a cultural renaissance. I’m not so sure, it may just be that Jupiter expands our self-deception or we may see an explosion of fake news. What a curmudgeon I am, but I’m a daughter of Saturn, can’t help it.
Dec 29 - Mercury Conjunct Venus at 24 Capricorn. Your speech and writing could become more artistic. You could receive a letter from a friend or the opposite sex that could lead to a romance. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 22 to 26 Capricorn or Cancer, get ready for a lot of social events.
Dec 30 – Mercury Conjunct Pluto at 25 Capricorn. If you love someone, keep it to yourself. The other person could come back at you with wounding sarcasm. How humiliating. But that is what Pluto can do. Stay quiet if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 23 to 27 Capricorn or Cancer.
Dec 31 – New Years' Eve. No difficult transits today. Celebrate!
JUPITER is in Aquarius and will move from 25 Aquarius to 0 Pisces this month. Jupiter is about growth and expansion and rules travel and education. Also, the areas of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that contains Aquarius will be more joyful and good luck could come in around those areas. Jupiter in Aquarius is about coming up with new techniques and joining forward-thinking groups. If you have personal planets or the ascendant between 23 Aquarius to 2 Pisces expect expansion and blossoming in that area of your chart.
SATURN is moving from 8 to 11 degrees of Aquarius this month. .. Saturn rules our material world, and especially our career. If you have felt stymied in that area, now is the time to move ahead. But you need to make plans and put in the hard work. Saturn is the old traditional ruler of Aquarius. So he is happy here. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets 6 to 13 degrees of Aquarius, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Aquarius, he will run around trying to restrict all of the social media that he will call fake news. He hates to see freedom of expression which is what Aquarius is all about.
URANUS is in Taurus until Apr 2026. This month he is moving retrograde from 11 to 10 degrees of Taurus. You will feel a need for freedom and for making some radical changes in your life at this time. I believe in ‘cooperating with the inevitable’. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, (8 to 13 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio) go on a long vacation, preferably to somewhere you have never been before. Or make some major changes in your life. Taurus is the earth. Expect earth events such as earthquakes volcanos or major weather events during the period that Uranus is in Taurus.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. This month Neptune turned direct on Dec 1 and will stay at 20 degrees of Pisces all month. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting, or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the ascendant or Personal Planets at 18 to 22 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams, and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month, Pluto stays at 25 degrees of Capricorn. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with the ascendant or personal planets at 23 to 27 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer. What needs to die in order to be reborn?
Enjoy the Holidays,
Janet Kane