The Sun moved into Sagittarius on Nov 22 and will be with us until December 21.
Here is a Sagittarian quote for the rest of us:
“Get a Bigger Life and Stop Boring God”. – Jean Houston
Sagittarians are fun to be with because they are a playful sign. They run headfirst into new adventures dragging everyone along with them. But living with a Sagittarius is another thing altogether. They have half-completed projects lying around the house. There is a lot of creative disorder and if you try to phone them, they have too many messages on their phone and you can’t get through. Poor Sagittarius-- they need to learn that there are limits to how many cars they can own, how many projects they can do. How many places they can visit, and how many friends they can have.
I picture Sagittarius passed out on the couch; exhausted from all they are trying to cram into one day. But, no one has as much fun as they do and they have a great sense of humor so they spread laughter and fun everywhere they go. The only Sagittarians who don’t have a good time are those with a lot of Saturn aspects in their chart, and then they feel very guilty about the fact that they are not enjoying themselves.
Sagittarians hate sitting around doing nothing. While Gemini wants to know everything, Sagittarians want to do everything. They love new adventures and love to travel. Sagittarius is the sign of freedom and learning.
Sagittarius also knows what will be popular before anyone else knows it. They are trendsetters. They will know the best musical group, the best restaurants, and the latest fashions.
Sagittarians have a lot of friends--most of the time too many friends. They can’t keep up with them all. They perform a juggling act keeping all sorts of projects and many relationships going at one time.
To understand Sagittarius fully, we need to look at their ruler, Jupiter. Jupiter is majestic and benevolent and plays the king to the hilt. On the other hand, he is always chasing something or other, mostly women. What drives him is the unobtainable, the one that got away. He is afraid he’s missing something. Sagittarians find it very hard to settle down. They usually marry late in life, and their partner is never bored but maybe a little frazzled. Sagittarians enjoy their home, but the door has to be kept unlocked.
I’ve saved the bad news until the end. Jupiter, the ruler of Sagittarius is moving into Capricorn next month on Dec 2nd. If there is one thing Sagittarians hate it’s the old Goat. (Think Peter Pan meets Captain Hook) This is going to be a time when Sagittarians need to get serious. Try to get all or at least some of your projects completed during the next year. Think of how you can start a business and make some money from your creativity.
If you have the Ascendant or any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) in Sagittarius or Jupiter in a challenging aspect to your personal planets, you are a Jupiter Archetype and will also receive the benefits of Jupiter this year.
Fire Element: Intuitive and creative experiences
Mutable Mode: Breaking up forms and distributing energy
Hero Type: Eager hero, extroverted style
Archetypes: The Gypsy, The Student, The Philosopher
Moon in Sagittarius: Emotional Need to Roam
Sun in Sagittarius: The Search for Meaning
Sagittarius Ascendant: In College, a Pulpit, law office
Myth: Icarus
Icarus and his father Daedalus were imprisoned in the labyrinth. Daedalus made wings so they could escape. Icarus ran around the prison wanting to leave before the wings were ready. Finally, they were ready, and Icarus fastened them on with wax. Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too close to the sun because the wax would melt and not to fly too close to the earth, because there wouldn’t be enough wind. The power and wonder of flying overcame Icarus. He flew as high as he could. It was too close to the sun. His wings melted off, and he fell into the sea.
Sagittarius Traits: The earth is a prison to Sagittarius types, who want to expand beyond material bounds. They are impatient and restless, wanting freedom. In their exuberance, they can ignore essential facts, which do not interest them. They need someone in their lives to temper their eagerness. Sagittarius types want a broad view or big picture and want to see everything. They can get inflated. They have the ability to see, understand and encompass all peoples of the world. A big disappointment or fall can lead to their transformation.
Primary Goal: Philosophical Wisdom
Challenge: Who or What should I chase? Where do I find meaning?
Janet Kane