The Gods will not be letting up on all of you Capricorns and Cancers. There are five planets in Capricorn this month plus a Solar Eclipse, which means Capricorns and Cancers are going on a learning fast track. What is Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) saying to you? Mainly, stop blaming others for the decisions you have made. If you are Capricorn you may react by trying to control events coming in this month. If you are Cancer you may react by trying to manipulate the events. Stop It! It’s time to take responsibility for your actions. On the other hand, if you have worked on yourself and gotten rid of all your little neurotic habits, December and January could bring rewards and achievement.
All of us should check the house in our chart that contains Capricorn. Sometimes Capricorn will be in two houses. For example, if you have 15 Capricorn on the cusp of the 7th house, then when the Capricorn planets are earlier than 15 degrees, they are in the 6th house. If later degrees than 15, they are in the 7th. When you look at the meaning of the houses, the 6th is your work environment and the 7th is partnerships. Meaning of the Houses
By far the biggest news today is Jupiter entering Capricorn. The last time he was in Capricorn was 12 years ago.
December 2019 Forecast
Note to my Astrology Clients. Use your Planetary Placement and Ascendant Sheet to find if the following transits will have a major impact on you.
Dec 2 – Jupiter enters Capricorn and stays until December 20, 2020. Every time an outer planet changes signs, it makes an impact. Here it activates the house of Capricorn in your chart for one year. The ancients said that Jupiter in Capricorn is in its ‘fall’. In other words, he can’t exercise his natural buoyancy; his ability to expand is thwarted. Jupiter rules abundance and Capricorn is the sign of scarcity. So a lot of tension will be felt by all of us.
The last time Jupiter was in Capricorn was December 2007 until January 2009. Astrologers love to point out the fact that we had a US Stock Market crash in 2008 followed by a recession. I don’t think transits repeat exactly and that is what makes astrology so fascinating. It’s a guessing game really. How is Jupiter going to behave in the Saturn ruled sign? Capricorn is a conservative sign and rules business, economies, governments, and communities. Jupiter rules inflation. Jupiter is not happy here because he is restricted and is being asked to be responsible. We may all feel our optimism being deflated as we are being pulled down into practical affairs. We will be asked to find a more sustainable way of living. Jupiter sees the future and in Capricorn, he has the ability to plan for a future of security and stability.
Dec 8 – Sun Square Neptune at 15 degrees of Sagittarius/Pisces. You could have exaggerated hopes and inflated ideas today. Try to be more realistic. Try not to delude yourself. Postpone all important decisions for another time especially if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) or the ascendant at 13 to 17 degrees of Sagittarius or Pisces.
Dec 9 – Mercury enters Sagittarius until December 28. Our thinking takes in a broader view of things. Think global instead of local.
Dec 11 – Venus Conjunct Saturn at 19 Capricorn. The goddess of love is stopped in her tracks today. Use this energy to decorate your home. Spend time alone. Your friends won’t be too much fun. You may become a real sourpuss today if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 17 to21 degrees of Capricorn.
Dec 12 – Full Moon at 19 Gemini. On a Full Moon, our emotions can get the better of us. Sometimes there is a big emotional break that gets us back on track. You could get downright hysterical if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 17 to21 of Gemini or Sagittarius.
Dec 13 – Mars Trine Neptune at 16 Scorpio/Pisces. You can intuitively understand the way ahead. Put your energy into the arts or your spiritual life. Join a meditation class if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 14 to 18 Scorpio or Pisces.
Venus Conjunct Pluto at 21 Capricorn. Be careful who you get involved with today. I know he’s cute, but he could be a sociopath. Be careful if you meet a new person today if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 19 to 23 Capricorn.
Dec 15 – Jupiter Trine Uranus at 2 degrees of Capricorn/Taurus. This is a great aspect. Jupiter and Uranus are planets that like to go outside the box, but in Taurus, they are grounded. A lot of practical things can be accomplished today. A good time for publicity. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 0 to 4 degrees of Capricorn or Taurus, produce that podcast and fix up your web site.
Dec 19 - Mercury Square Neptune at 16 Sagittarius/Pisces. A confusing day. The mind is being infiltrated by a ghostly presence. We are daydreaming and feel unable to proceed with our duties. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 14 to 18 Sagittarius or Pisces, it’s better to take the day off.
Dec 20 – Venus in Aquarius until January 14. The goddess of love wants freedom at this time. She makes a much better friend than lover here.
Dec 21 – Sun in Capricorn until Jan 21, 2020. The Winter Solstice. This is an important day in the solar calendar that has been celebrated since ancient times. The winter solstice celebrates the longest hours of darkness or the rebirth of the sun and is believed to hold powerful energy for regeneration, renewal, and self-reflection.
Dec 22 – Venus Square Uranus at 1 Aquarius/Taurus. Everyone in your family is trying to tell each other what to do. Try not to be too bossy if you have personal planets at 0 to 3 degrees of Aquarius/Taurus.
Dec 24 – Sun Trine Uranus at 2 Degrees of Capricorn/Taurus. Entertainment and fun are in focus today. You could have unexpected visitors. Have a party if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 0 to 4 degrees of Capricorn or Taurus.
Dec 26 – Solar Eclipse at 4 Capricorn. See my newsletter on the Eclipses of December 2019 and January 2020. This eclipse is shining a light on the affairs of your Capricorn house. A major impact if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 1 to 6 Capricorn.
Dec 27 – Sun Conjunct Jupiter at 5 degrees of Capricorn. This could give you a temporary lift if you feel you are in a rut. Jupiter adds optimism. You could go off the deep end if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 3 to 7 degrees of Capricorn.
Dec 28 – Mercury enters Capricorn until January 17, 2020. Our thinking turns to practical matters. Should you buy that piece of property? Build a house? or finally, get serious about your career?
Dec 30 – Mercury Trine Uranus at 2 Capricorn/Taurus. You feel witty and vivacious. Mercury is about correspondence and mental work, Uranus rules new enterprises and friendships. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 0 to 4 Capricorn or Taurus, you could make a lot of progress today on your writing.
JUPITER is now in SAGITTARIUS. This month Jupiter is at 29 degrees of Sagittarius until December 2nd when he moves into Capricorn for a year.
Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that contains Capricorn. Jupiter isn’t very happy in Capricorn because for the following year he has to get down to business. Become responsible, build a career. Don’t forget about his excessive qualities. In Capricorn, he could work too hard, be too focus on the material and forget to smell the roses
SATURN is in Capricorn until 2020. This month he is moving from 18 to 21 degrees. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 16 to 22 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Capricorn he is asking about your ambitions, your career, and your work ethic. In Capricorn, he is right at home and wants to build something. He stimulates you to make plans to be successful in the outer world.
URANUS is in Taurus until Apr 2026. This month Uranus is retrograde and moves from 3 to 2 degrees of Taurus. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 1 to 5 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio, you will feel a need for freedom and for making some radical changes in your life. I believe in ‘cooperating with the inevitable’. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. Last month Neptune turned direct and he will move from 15 to 16 degrees of Pisces all month. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 17 to 18 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month, Pluto will move from 21 to 22 degrees of Capricorn. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with the ascendant or personal planets at 18 to 25 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer. What needs to die in order to be reborn?
Have a Beautiful Holiday
Janet Kane