The Sun will move into Virgo on August 23 – HAPPY BIRTHDAY VIRGO
Virgos can suffer from remorse because they can see all the work that has piled up that they haven’t been able to get to yet. They can also suffer from guilt for what they haven’t accomplished in the past. It doesn’t sound like they have much fun. They are the workers of the zodiac and there is always a chance of burn out with these sensitive souls.
Virgo has been called picky and critical for far too long. Well, here's where it ends. This sign's certainly into details -- there's no doubt about that. But that doesn't mean that these idealistic, humble folks don't care about others; in fact, it really means that they care so much about helping everyone look, sound and be their best that they're willing to risk coming off as 'picky' or 'critical' to do it -- which is quite a generous sacrifice.
Truth be told, however, Virgo's good at sacrifice, and at making lemonade out of lemons. These extremely tender hearts are always willing to help, and their sharp focus allows them to take charge of even the toughest situation. So if you're a Virgo yourself, you know that when you're that good at grasping particulars, it's quite natural to see flaws -- hence that reputation for being nitpicky. But if it weren't for you, the rest of us would miss the trees for the forest, so don't ever let anyone put you down for your keen eye! We all need troubleshooters in our lives, people who are able to see the potential problems in a situation before they develop -- and that's definitely Virgo. So get out there and find one of these meticulous folks; enjoy a lesson in careful observation and tell your pal that their ability to appreciate minutiae really is precious.
When it comes to relationships, Virgo is as devoted as a sign can possibly be. These sincere souls are willing to do whatever it takes, whenever it's needed, to let their beloveds know just how dear they are. And if you're close to a Virgo, you can attest to the fact that they're the proud bearer of one of the keenest wits in the entire zodiac, thanks to that sharp eye and those quick, accurate comments. As a partner, this sign's as faithful as they come -- like all the earth signs. (Don't forget: Being earthy, after all, means that Virgo was given the gift of fully appreciating the sense of touch and the importance of closeness.) So don't hesitate to reach out and touch a Virgo you know and love -- and let them know how valuable they are to you.
Virgos are usually experts in which supplements, herbs and homeopathic remedies to take when you are feeling sick. They are great healers, not in the sense of the Scorpios who are transformational healers; they first purge you of all the negative stuff as in deep therapeutic work. Instead, Virgos are the sweet helpers who bring you chicken soup and vitamin C.
Earth Element: Material and concrete experiences
Mutable Mode: Breaking up forms and distributing energy
Hero Type: Reluctant hero, introverted style
Archetypes: The Servant, The Analyst, The Herbalist
Myth: Vulcan (Hephaetus)
Vulcan was the son of Zeus and Hera. He was born lame and unattractive, and was thrown down to earth by Hera. His mother is said to be ashamed of him. He landed near a volcano and made it into a forge. He started to create things from the earth. He made thunderbolts for Zeus and a girdle for Aphrodite. To get back at his mother, he fashioned a golden throne that trapped her when she sat in it. No one knew how to free her except Vulcan, so the gods brought him back to heaven. The only god who worked with his hands and he made a chariot for Apollo. Aphrodite was so beautiful that Hera was jealous of her, and married her off to Vulcan. Aphrodite accepted Vulcan because of all the things he made for her. Aphrodite cheated on him, and he didn't discover this at first. When he did discover it he forgave her because he understood it was part of her nature. Vulcan was kindly and peace-loving, and as popular on earth as in heaven. He was patron of handicrafts, the arts, agriculture, and metallurgy. He made divine things from the material world. He was the only god that worked.
Virgo Traits: Virgo individuals are often crippled in some way, and may feel rejected by their parents. They can use their skills to find acceptance from their superiors. Highly skilled and inventive, their work is at the highest levels. People are attracted to them because of their skills. They have an understanding of human nature and are kindly, wanting to serve others.
Primary Goal: Meaningful Work
Challenge: Who or What should I serve?
Janet Kane