Can you keep still long enough to let me wish you a Happy Birthday?
Geminis are explorers of the intellect and are very curious which can get them into trouble. They may think, 'I wonder what it would be like to be married to this person, to live in that country, to join a street gang, to smoke some dope?'
They love to talk and they learn by talking. Most of the time they don't know what they think until they hear what they say. They love to share information; their life is about learning and teaching.
Gemini has a bad reputation for being fickle. The problem stems from the fact that Gemini doesn't like to be stuck and doesn't like difficult situations. So if there is a problem in a relationship, it seems easier for Gemini to fly away and find a new partner.
Never ask them to do couples counseling. Gemini's are bored stiff in therapy; it doesn't move fast enough and they can talk a therapist to death. Gemini is Peter Pan and he wants to play. He doesn't want to look at his shadow side. Remember Peter Pan got his shadow stuck in a drawer. Gemini selects mates that mentally stimulate them. But they can get bored easily, so someone who has a 'short tape' could never be married to a Gemini for long.
Read the myth of Hermes for more explanation of the Gemini type. The Roman's used the Hermes archetype for their god, Mercury.
If you have Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and a lot of major aspects to Mercury you share this Archetype. But remember none of us is a pure zodiac sign, we need to take the other archetypes in our chart into consideration.
Air Element: Social and Intellectual Experiences
Mutable Mode: Breaking up forms and distributing energy
Hero Type: Flexible hero, Extroverted Style
Archetypes: The Teacher, The Storyteller, The Journalist, Bugs Bunny
Gemini Moon: Emotional Need to Communicate
Gemini Sun: The Search for Variety
Gemini Ascendant: Surrounded by Books, classes, phones
Here are some brief notes on the myth of Hermes
Zeus had a clandestine affair with Maia, from which she gave birth to Hermes. When he was only one day old, Hermes was bored and restless in his cradle, so he got out and began walking around. He saw a tortoise and talked it into coming into his cave to play. He killed the tortoise and made a lyre out of its shell, then got bored with the lyre. He decided he wanted milk and figured out what to do. He put his sandals on backward, so no one could follow his footsteps. Then he stole his brother Apollo’s cattle. He took three of the cattle and rubbed sticks together to make a fire, and cooked the meat and divided it into twelve portions. He offered it as a gift to the twelve divinities.
Apollo divined that Hermes had stolen his cattle, but by this time Hermes had hidden the cattle and he was back in his cradle pretending to be asleep. When Zeus and Apollo came to Hermes to accuse him of the theft, Hermes sat up and started blabbing away about how he was only a day old and could never steal cattle, etc. Zeus and Apollo started to laugh and they brought him up to Olympus where he could make all the gods laugh.
Hermes gave the lyre he made to Apollo who became the god of music. Zeus used him to go to the underworld and make deals with Hades. He could travel to the heavens to the Gods or to the mortal’s world, but he never had a home of his own. He is the only deity not assigned a home on Mount Olympus. Because of his remarkable communication skills, Zeus made him Messenger of the Gods.
Gemini Traits: Inventive, quick, and precocious, Geminis have a constant need for new experiences. Born of deceit, they can talk anyone into anything. They often say one thing, then do another, and are “trickster” figures. Geminis honor all the Gods and can take gifts away from all the Gods. Intelligent but evasive, they can talk to anyone, at any level, but others do not know if they are coming or going. Geminis are restless and move frequently. They are not elitist and move among all classes of people.
They have the ability to take the knowledge of the Gods (spiritual ideas) and communicate them to others in layman’s terms.
Primary Goal: To facilitate communication on all levels.
Challenge: What should I communicate? Who should I communicate to?
Have fun during this Gemini month
Janet Kane