Mercury retrogrades on March 22 at 16 Aries. A good time to slow down.
Jupiter retrogrades on March 8 at 23 Scorpio. Inner expansion - a time for meditation.
No Air? There are no planets in air signs this month. They are all in water and fire signs. I have an air sun and an air ascendant so this is not a good month for me. Pisces is a water sign and I’ll feel like I am drowning in an emotional fog and Aries is a fire sign and I’ll feel I ‘m being pushed around. And the worst part is that no one wants to hear my verbal acrobatics.
This is a month for Jupiter, the big fat happy guy. Mercury, Venus and the Sun will visit him this month. All Pisces born this month could be happy and expand in a good way. If you were born on March 4 or between March 12 and March 19, you will get the most out of these Jupiter aspects.
Dates to Watch:
Mar 1 – Full Moon at 11 Virgo. With the Full Moon in Virgo we see the importance of work and service. Neptune is just two degrees away from this FM. That means you could become a bleeding heart and give away too much. Focus on the practical side of Virgo and don’t let Neptunian idealism distract you from your tasks.
Venus Trine Jupiter at 23 Pisces/Scorpio. This is a beautiful aspect bringing in positive, flowing relationships. You may receive a gift from a friend in return for a favor you performed in the past.
Mar 2 – Mercury Trine Jupiter at 23 Pisces/Scorpio .This brings you pleasant intellectual pursuits.
(This is Ebertin on Mercury/Venus/ Jupiter triple aspect –artistic success - realization of love - an advantageous union.) Check your birth chart for any personal planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) or the ascendant at 21 to 25 Pisces/Scorpio to take advantage of this great triple aspect.
Mar 4 – Sun Conjunct Neptune at 13 Pisces. Your imagination is working overtime. This may not be a good thing if you are a bit on the paranoid side. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 11 to 15 of Pisces of Virgo, watch out for deceit. Don’t be naïve and watch your dreams tonight, they may be very meaningful.
Mercury Conjunct Venus at 26 Pisces. Talking of love. This is part of the Mar 1 and 2 aspects. This creative aspect is great for art or writing, especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 Pisces or Virgo.
Mar 6 – Mercury enters Aries until May 13. The fastest tongue in the west belongs to people with Mercury in Aries. You may all experience this during this time. Some nasty remarks could come from others or maybe you start throwing out the insults out.
Venus enters Aries until March 31. Aphrodite really gets heated up in Aries. She won’t take no for an answer so it’s time for the young guys out there to go indoors and lock the door.
Mar 8 – Jupiter turns retrograde at 23 Scorpio until July 10 when he turns direct at 13 Scorpio. Jupiter is expansive growth, when he is retrograde there is the possibility of inner growth and expansion of our insight. Those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 13 to 23 degrees will be affected.
Mar 11 – Mars Trine Uranus at 26 Sagittarius/Aries. Your intuition is right on target. Visualize what or who you want to go after. A fun party time.
Mercury Square Saturn at 8 degrees of Aries/Capricorn. This indicates caution about attending to details. Take your time to consider all angles.
Mar 13 – Venus Square Saturn at 8 Aries/Capricorn. Aphrodite is still hot, but today she has a chip on her shoulder and is acting belligerent. Those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 8 Aries/Capricorn can see a promising relationship cool down, but maybe that’s a good thing.
Sun Trine Jupiter at 23 Pisces/Scorpio. This is all about financial opportunities and also educational advancement
Mar 17 – New Moon at 26 Pisces. The start of a new monthly cycle of dreams, art and spirituality. Check your chart to find the house that contains 26 Pisces. This is the area of life where you want to plant a seed that will bloom over the next month. See the meaning of the houses here.
Mars enters Capricorn until May 16. Mars loves being in Capricorn, he can take his energy and build stable structures.
Mar 20 – Mercury conjunct Venus at 16 Aries. This could be a good day to start your memoirs, and a great time to form new relationships and open the door for new experiences.
Sun enters Aries until April 19. You will feel a surge of energy when the Sun goes into Aries. Get off your duff and get something done, anything.
Mar 22 – Mercury turns retrograde at 16 Aries until April 15. If you have any personal planets or the ascendant at 14 Aries, you can become wired and confused at the same time. I think Mercury retrograde is only a problem if it hits personal planets or the ascendant. Mercury will travel from 16 Aries back to 4 Aries.
Mar 23 – Venus Square Pluto at 21 Aries/Capricorn. Ouch! This can be painful. But it can bring up problems in your relationship so that they can be healed.
Mar 24 – Sun Square Mars at 3 Aries/Capricorn. This is impulsive and accident prone. Handle other people with kid gloves. Everyone is angry today.
Mar 28 – Venus Conjunct Uranus at 26 Aries. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 to 28 Aries or Libra, a lot of your dirty, little secrets could be exposed. Watch the news for this one.
Mar 29 – Sun Square Saturn at 8 Aries/Capricorn. Both Aries and Capricorns can be hard-headed and now they are locking horns. No one wins. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 8 Aries/Capricorn you may feel stymied and stopped in your tracks.
Mar 31 – Venus enters Taurus until April 24. Aphrodite loves it here. A time to take a bubble bath or get a massage. Wallow in all the sensuous things of life. Read David Abrams book, The Spell of the Sensuous.
JUPITER is now in Scorpio. This month Jupiter turns retrograde on the 9th. He will travel from 23 to 22 degrees of Scorpio this month. Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that holds 22 to 23 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio types are into growth, they are always looking at ways that they could better themselves, especially emotionally and psychologically. Jupiter in Scorpio will help you with that. But in Scorpio, he can also bring excess in all the things that are not good for you.
SATURN is in Capricorn until 2020. This month he will travel from 7 to 8 degrees of Capricorn. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 7 to 9 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Capricorn he is asking about our ambitions, our career, our work ethic. In Capricorn he is right at home and wants to build something, make plans and succeed in the outer world.
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus moves from 25 to 27 degrees of Aries. He goes into Taurus on May 15. and then he turns retrograde and goes back into Aries on Aug 7 and stay in Aries the rest of 2018. We feel a need for freedom and we want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. This month he is moving from 13 to 14 degrees of Pisces. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 13 to 14 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is moving direct and will move from 20 to 21 degrees of Capricorn all month. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with the ascendant or personal planets at 20 or 21 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer. What needs to die in order to be reborn?
Have a good month.
Janet Kane