The most important event this month is Saturn entering Capricorn on December 19. All the Sagittarians can rejoice. But think of all you have learned with Saturn in your sign. I know you would rather stay totally ignorant than to go through that again. The good news is Saturn will not come back to your sign for 30 years.
Capricorns are destined to take on heavy-duty responsibility. But remember that some of us fear our destiny. So some Capricorns goof off most of their lives and are afraid of getting that responsible job. They realize the job could take over their lives and they could burn out. So if you are one of the Capricorn’s still living in your parents' basement playing video game, Saturn is about to kick you in the butt.
If you were born on Oct 4, Dec 3 or Mar 1, this is a very active month for you. There are 5 aspects this month impacting your Sun.
Last month I predicted that Jupiter in Scorpio would result in some sexual secrets being revealed. I thought we would see a few examples of that, but did not expect the avalanche we have seen. As usual, Jupiter overdid it and we have had a dizzying amount of nasty behavior being uncovered. It isn’t over yet since Jupiter will be in Scorpio until November 2018.
But I’m suspecting that there may be another side to this issue. Scorpio rules wealth and underhanded deals. Maybe all of this is not what it seems. Maybe these allegations, even if true, are being used to fire some people in the media who are making big bucks. The mainstream media is losing their audience. What happened to innocent until proven guilty? Why aren’t these people on trial and proven guilty before they lose their jobs? Do some have a morals clause in their contracts that let these corporations fire them without recompense? I watched corporations do this in the 80’s. They would lay off all of the big earners right before they were eligible for a pension. Of course, I may be wrong, Scorpio also rules paranoia.
Dates to Watch:
Dec 1 – Venus enters Sagittarius until Dec 25. In Sagittarius, Aphrodite wants freedom and she asks what is this stupid monogamy thing everyone thinks is so great? Remember, she cheated on Hephaestus and he was such a nice Virgo type guy. “Just sayin.”
Mars opposite Uranus at 25 Libra/Aries. This is an accident-prone aspect. Take is easy today. Watch your step. Especially if you have the ascendant or any personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) at 23 to 27 degrees of Libra or Aries.
Dec 2 – Jupiter Trine Neptune at 12 degrees of Scorpio and Pisces. This is a very empathic, sensitive, caring trine. A good time for healing especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 10 to 14 degrees of Scorpio or Pisces.
Dec 3 – Full Moon at 11 Gemini. This Full Moon illuminates the seed and potential of the New Moon of November 18. Think back to any wishes or plans that you put into place then. You may see a blossoming or fulfillment at this time. This Full Moon is in a square to Neptune which can create communication glitches.
Mercury turns retrograde until Dec 22 at 29 Sagittarius. I like Mercury retrograde. If you have a monkey mine like me, you will find it very restful. Just don’t buy any mechanical or electronic products at this time.
Sun Square Neptune at 12 degrees of Sagittarius/Pisces. Some think Neptune is wonderful and very spiritual, etc. I think he is just confusing. Don’t delude yourself. Don’t believe what you think especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 10 to 14 degrees of Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo.
Dec 6 – Mercury conjunct Saturn at 28 degrees of Sagittarius. Pay attention to details. Clean out your messy office. Concentrate on serious study. You can be really focused today if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 26 to 29 degrees of Sagittarius.
Dec 9 – Mars enters Scorpio until January 26, 2018. Mars is the traditional ruler of Scorpio so he is quite happy here. He likes to keep busy and has tons of energy. Here he may help Jupiter uncover some more unseemly acts of notable people.
Dec 10 – Mercury Trine Uranus at 25 Sagittarius and Aries. This is all about mental fire. A very good aspect for inspiration and some very creative ideas especially true for those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 23 to 27 Sagittarius or Aries.
Venus Square Neptune at 12 degrees of Sagittarius or Pisces. You feel very timid today and don’t stick up for yourself. You are just a little snowflake reading a romance novel. It’s OK, you can be tough tomorrow. A real wimp if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 10 to 14 degrees of Sagittarius or Pisces.
Dec 12 – Sun Conjunct Mercury at 12 degrees of Sagittarius. The light is shining right on your mind today. You feel optimistic and creative ideas come pouring in especially for those of you with personal planets or the ascendant at 10 to 14 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini.
Dec 15 – Mercury Conjunct Venus at 18 Sagittarius. You are concentrating on love, the arts, and having a party. Also, you are very eloquent today. A good day to talk to loved ones especially if you have to negotiate a sticky situation.
Dec 16 – Sun Trine Uranus at 25 Sagittarius/Aries. You could receive unexpected visitors today. But it’s a good thing. You will have a good time entertaining especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 23 to 27 Sagittarius or Aries.
Dec 18 – New Moon at 26 Sagittarius. This is the time to plant a seed of what you what to accomplish in the next four weeks. This New Moon is conjunct to Venus and trine to Uranus. And they are all in fire signs. With Venus your affections are strong and your sensuality seeks emotional satisfaction. With Uranus, your feelings of independence and self-reliance begin to surface. A lot of fiery energy is in the air. A good time to discover new friends. So just don’t just think about it, do it!
Dec 19 – Saturn enters Capricorn until Dec 2020. This is a biggie. Saturn only changes signs every 2 ½ years. The last time Saturn was in Capricorn was late 1988 to early 1991. I’m one of the very few astrologers who love Saturn. He brings structure, responsibility, and serenity in old age. He rules Capricorn an earth sign and I am very partial to earth signs. I know, they are boring, but so am I. The other earth signs are Taurus and Virgo.
Dec 20 – Venus Trine Uranus at 25 Sagittarius/Aries. Gather up your friends and head off to a concert or a museum. Do something different today.
Dec 21 – Sun enters Capricorn until January 19, 2018. This is the time for material ambition and an awareness of work and duty. We are searching for status and financial security at this time.
Sun Conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees of Capricorn. We feel restricted today. Something or someone is holding us back. Be patient, this will clear up in a few days.
Dec 22 – Mercury turns direct at 13 Sagittarius. When Mercury changes direction to move direct, we can get some clarity on a problem we have been dealing with for the last 3 weeks.
Dec 25 – Venus enters Capricorn until January 17, 2018. I like Venus in Capricorn. Here, she settles down and goes looking or a house with a lot of property around it. She wants to get grounded.
Venus Conjunct Saturn at 1 degree of Capricorn. You are serious about relationships and also looking for a good, solid investment today.
Dec 28 – Mars Trine Neptune at 12 Scorpio/Pisces. Put your intuitive and artistic energy to work. A very creative aspect that isn’t just pie in the sky, it is an aspect that works on creative projects. Especially good if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 10 to 14 Scorpio or Pisces.
JUPITER is now in Scorpio. This month he will travel from 11 to 17 degrees of Scorpio. Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that holds 11 to 17 degrees of Scorpio. Scorpio types are into growth, they are always looking at ways that they could better themselves, especially emotionally and psychologically. Jupiter in Scorpio will help you with that. But, in Scorpio, he can also bring excess in all the things that are not good for you.
SATURN is in Sagittarius until Dec 19, 2017. This month he will travel from 28 degrees of Sagittarius to 1 degree of Capricorn. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 28 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini, or 1 degree of Capricorn or Cancer, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, he is asking about your belief system, your hopes for the future and your travel plans. In Capricorn he is right at home and wants to build something, make plans and succeed in the outer world.
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. Uranus is moving retrograde this month and he stays at 25 degrees of Aries. We feel a need for freedom and we want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. This month he is moving from 11 to 12 degrees of Pisces. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 11 to 12 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is moving direct and will move from 18 to 19 degrees of Capricorn all month. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with the ascendant or personal planets at 18 or 19 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer. What needs to die in order to be reborn?
Have a good month and a great holiday.
Janet Kane