A little recap about last month: There was a New Moon on Dec 29th at 1:53 AM EST. New Moons signify fresh beginnings. Letting go of the old to make room in your life for the new. Because the New Moon is at the end of 2016, this month is a good time to clean out psychic and literal cobwebs and start your New Year’s Resolutions for 2017.
Also Uranus turned direct at 20 Aries on the same day, Dec 29. This is good news for all Sun in Aquarius and Aquarius rising people. This is the start of a very creative productive period for you. Also Uranus rules rebellion and is in the sign of the feisty individual. Expect the unexpected. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 20 degrees of Aries, try not to go off the deep end. This will be in effect for 3 days before and after the 29th.
Donald Trump will be inaugurated on Jan 20. He will become president during some pretty nasty aspects shown below:
The square between Uranus and Pluto is still in effect. It ranges from 2008 to 2018. This aspect is about waking up the strong man archetype or awakening unconscious shadow material. The Uranus/Pluto conjunction was during 1960 to 1972. The square is the flowering of the conjunction and we have seen protests since 2008 and we may see more before it is over. This square falls in Trump’s 6th and 8th house which could mean major transformation around work and responsibilities.
Jupiter square Pluto is in effect Oct 2016 through Sep 2017. This is about wealth and power. Empire building. Righteousness and superiority. This aspect falls in Trump’s 2nd and 6th house. Jupiter in 2nd is an increase in income, Pluto in 6th is transformation in workplace.
Jupiter Opposite Uranus square Pluto in effect Nov 2016 through April 2017. Powerful aspect, it can be creative, and also rules civil disobedience. This is in Trump’s 2nd, 8th and 6th houses. He has an increase in income, but he is being transformed, going through a sudden death and rebirth process at the same time in his work and he has to face some of the darker elements of society or government.
Saturn Square Neptune from Nov 2014 through Sept 2017. This can mean maturing spiritually or waking up in a nightmare. These planets are in Trump’s 4th and 7th house. This is about adjusting to a new home and separation from partner or confused by the partner.
Now, all of you out there don’t get mad when I say I feel sorry for him. He has inherited a whirlwind.
Dates to Watch:
Jan 1 – Mars conjunct Neptune at 10 Pisces. Neptune is flowing and Mars is action. Go with the flow on this one. You may not feel like getting any work done, so meditate, daydream and try to intuit the inspiration that is flowing toward you today.
Jan 3 – Venus enters Pisces until February 3rd. This is all about enmeshment and co-dependence. We want to play kissy face with our insignificant other. Just don’t do it in the streets and scare the horses. I have a lot of trivial quotes floating around in my brain. (Send me an email if you know where that quote comes from)
Jan 4 – Mercury enters Sagittarius until Jan 12. Mercury is retrograde and he is backing up into Sagittarius until Jan 8 when he turns direct and then moves into Capricorn on Jan 12. If anyone can compete with a Gemini for verbal rat-a-tat-tat machine gun, nonstop talking, it is Mercury in Sagittarius people. Only believe half of what you hear today.
Jan 7 – Sun Conjunct Pluto. We have this every year. It’s no fun; It is the sign of the alpha-male energy. Go out there swinging or stay home and hide--your choice.
Jan 8 – Mercury turns direct at 4:43 AM EST. I don’t know about you but his Mercury retrograde that lasted from Dec 19 until today had me seriously considering going for a diagnosis for dementia. Before I make the appointment, I will wait until after today.
Jan 10 – Sun Square Uranus at 21 Capricorn/Aries. We have to include Jupiter at 22 Libra in this aspect as he moves into a square with the Sun tomorrow. This is the most important aspect this month and is a doozy. But it is not difficult at all, it is totally liberating. Jupiter is in Libra where he wants balance and Uranus is in Aries and he wants an explosion. The Sun is in Capricorn, he wants to remain with his feet on the ground, but good luck with that! There can be a release of tension that has built up from trying to keep things at an even keel. If you feel that you are in a rut, this is the day to break free. This aspect creates joy and good fortune. Whatever happens, this aspect will lead to a change in circumstances. To see how it will affect you, look to the houses in your natal chart that contain Libra and Aries and Capricorn. After you find the house, look for their meaning here.
Jan 11 – Continues the Sun Square Uranus Square Jupiter. Another day when anything can happen collectively and in our personal lives.
Jan 12 – Full Moon at 6:34 AM EST at 22 Cancer. This is a flowering of the energy started at the New Moon on Dec 29 last year. This full moon ties into the Sun, Uranus, Jupiter T-square. It can be difficult and because it is in Cancer, it can cause difficulties in family relationships.
Mercury enters Capricorn until Feb 7. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn a morose planet that worries about everything and everyone and Mercury is the mind. You get the connection.
Venus conjunct Neptune at 10 Pisces. Go on a cruise with loved ones or go to a retreat center and fall on your knees in front of the goddess. Either one will work.
Jan 19 – Mars Square Saturn at 23 Pisces/Sagittarius. This has been in orb for the past 2 weeks. This could interfere with your freedom of movement and it is a bummer that this aspect is happening in the same time frame as the liberating Jupiter/Uranus aspect. This month you are ready to break free of something, but Mars Saturn is cautioning you to take your time.
Sun enters Aquarius until February 18. If you have Aquarius Rising then this is the start of the year for you. Our personal year starts when the Sun moves into our Rising Sign. Sun in Aquarius is the time where we want to kick up our heels; we have felt suppressed all through the Capricorn month.
Jan 27 – New Moon at 7:07 PM at 8 Aquarius 15. If you failed in your New Year’s Resolutions, take heart, you can start again today.
Venus Square Saturn at 24 Pisces/Sagittarius. You may be concerned about the credit card bill you received this month for the Holidays-- ouch! If Venus in your natal chart refers to relationships instead of money, this could be a cooling off period in your friendships and love life.
Jan 28 – Mars enters Aries until March 9th. Mars loves being in Aries where he can put on the gloves and get in the ring. Look at the house that contains Aries, this is the area that could see you flaring up in anger. Or if you are enlightened like me, you could just put energy into improving the areas ruled by the house in your chart that contains Aries.
Jan 29 – Mercury conjunct Pluto at 18 Capricorn. Capricorns don’t have enough to worry about, and now he is worrying that there is a terrorist living next door or that guy in the next cubie is a psychopath. Too much mental energy is stimulated by this one, instead do some research today, and find out what your great-great grandmother was up to.
Jan 31 – Mercury square Uranus at 21 Aries. This aspect connects to the Mercury conjunct Pluto aspect of the 29th. So you are still in a funk, BUT today you decide to take off for parts unknown, but remember “They change their skies but not their minds who run across the sea” (Email me if you know who said that quote and don’t cheat by looking it up on google)
JUPITER is in Libra until Oct 2017. This month he moves from 12 to 25 degrees of Libra Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that holds 21 to 25 degrees of Libra. In Libra, he would bring good news and harmony in relationships.
SATURN is in Sagittarius until Dec 2017. This month he will travel from 21 to 25 degrees of Sagittarius. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 17 to 21 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, he is asking about your belief system, your hopes for the future and your travel plans
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus stays at 21 degrees of Aries. We feel a need for freedom and we want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. This month he will move from 10 to 11 degrees all month. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 10 or 11 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto moves from 17 to 18 degrees of Capricorn. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 15 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
HAPPY NEW YEAR, Hoping you have a joyful productive year and thanks for all of your supportive emails during 2016.
Janet Kane