I was thrilled to hear about a global online summer called The Interplay of Ancient Wisdom and Modern Science: Illuminating Our Path for the Future. It airs from July 11 to July 22, 2016. This will be a FREE global online event showcasing experts who will speak about intuition, energy healing, shamanism, dreams, meditation and the subconscious mind. My good friend Veronica Goodchild will be speaking on Jungian Psychology.
In all, twenty game-changing experts will gift you the keys of knowledge about the accelerating shift in human consciousness and creatively connecting with ancient practices. The simple fact is that energy and ancient healing methods are the next frontier that we are only beginning to discover.
When you register, you will have the exclusive opportunity to hear two 30-45 minute interviews from incredible speakers each day from July 11-22, 2016.
Sign Up Here: http://www.ancient-wisdom-summit.com/)
The timing of the summit is fortuitous. It is a manifestation of the Saturn (reality Principle) square Neptune (higher worlds) that has been playing out in June and July. Saturn is seeing through the veil to other realities. (Neptune).
Also, the major aspect this month is Uranus slowing down to turn retrograde at the end of the month. Uranus is not tied down by Pluto anymore and is kicking up the dust around individual rights. Examples are the Brexit vote, the Supreme Court decisions regarding “choice” and –always-- of course,Trump. Look for more liberating ideas and events this month. The ancient wisdom summit may also bring us some ideas of who we really are in contrast to what we are being told by the media culture.
Dates to Watch:
Jul 3 – Sun Trine Neptune at 11 Cancer/Pisces. You feel you want to devote yourself to a higher cause and be of service. That’s OK, but keep your feet on the ground. You really want to play Joan of Arc if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars) or the ascendant at 10 to 12 Cancer, Pisces of Scorpio.
Jul 4 – New Moon at 12 Cancer at 7:01 AM EDT. Its time to start something new. Look to your chart for the house that contains 12 Cancer. That is the area where the initiation into new projects will occur. To see what areas of life are ruled by each house, check out the Meaning of Houses.
Jul 5 – Mercury Trine Neptune at 11 Cancer/Pisces. A day for inspired thinking.
Jul 6 – Venus Trine Mars at 23 Cancer/ Scorpio. Excellent for relationships especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 23 Cancer, Scorpio or Piaces.
Sun conjunct Mercury at 15 Cancer. This aspect will see us scampering around the house doing the boring little housewife things.
Jul 7 – Mercury Opposite Pluto at 16 Cancer/Capricorn. You know the kind of people who are so set in their own ideas that you cannot jam a new thought into their skulls? Well, you are one of those today.
Venus Square Uranus at 24 Cancer/Aries. Your partner would like to have a discussion about your relationships, ouch. Or maybe do some counseling.. But you are digging in your heels about any of it. You refuse to budge. See where that gets you.
Sun Opposite Pluto at 16 Cancer/Capricorn. This is turning out to be a rotten day. Those of you with 15 to 17 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn, just stay home, don’t talk to anyone! Your inner demons are ready to bite someone’s head off.
Jul 10 – Mercury Trine Mars at 23 Cancer/Scorpio. A much better day. This day favors writers. Mars is lending energy to your thinking, speaking and writing.
Jul 11 – Mercury Square Uranus at 24 Cancer/Aries. We are all a little cranky and sarcastic today. Be careful.
Jul 12 – Venus enters Leo until Aug 5. Venus is the Roman Goddess of Beauty, she is just entering the sign of The Queen. We all want to be admired. That may result in our buying jewelry, a big new car or whatever we need to show off.
Jul 13 – Mercury enters Leo until Jul 30. Mercury is the God of communications. In Leo he will want to impress others with his knowledge. We may become bombastic and obnoxious as we spout our half-baked ideas.
Jul 16 – Sun Square Uranus at 24 Cancer/Aries. We lack the discipline to get anything at all accomplished. We can get thrown off base by all the events happening around us. Keep cool especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 24 Cancer or Aries.
Mercury Conjunct Venus at 5 Cancer. You may receive an important message from a friend or potential lover. Check those emails and facebook.
Sun Trine Mars at 24 Cancer/Scorpio. This aspects will lessen the impact of the Sun Square Uranus. It will help you flow with events.
Jul 19 – Full Moon at 27 Capricorn at 6:56 PM EDT. The Full Moon brings to completion the events started on the New Moon of July 4.
Mercury Trine Saturn at 10 Leo/Sagittarius. A good time to be realistic. Add to your savings for the rainy day. Oh! It’s here? Sorry.
Jul 20 – Venus Trine Saturn at 10 Leo/Sagittarius. Another sober day. This one is very positive for relationships. You may hear from a friend you haven’t seen in years.
Jul 22 – Sun enters Leo until August 22. It’s party time. Last month with the sun in Cancer, we wanted to be home with the family. Now we want our friends around.
Jul 27 – Mercury Trine Uranus at 25 Leo/Aries. A good day to travel, to write and to enter into new friendships.
Jul 29 – Mercury Square Mars at 28 Leo/Scorpio. Keep your tongue and your keyboard under control—you are just itching for a fight.
Uranus stationary turning retrograde at 24 Aries and will stay retrograde until December 29, 2016. This is the biggie this month. Look at your chart for any personal planets or your ascendant at 22 to 27 of Aries or Libra. Uranus represents the freedom urge. But the old must be destroyed before the new can come in. During the retrograde this urge for freedom may not be conscious. You may notice everyone around you wanting to break free and going into crazy patterns, while you feel you are entirely innocent of this crazy acting out. You’re not!
Jul 30 – Mercury enters Virgo until Oct 7. The reason that Mercury is spending such a long time in Virgo is because – wait for it-- he is turning retrograde on August 30 for approximately 3 weeks. Mercury is happy in Virgo, he gets to analyze, pick things apart and take his time.
JUPITER is in Virgo this month and he moves from 17 to 21 degrees this month. Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that holds 17 to 21 degrees of Virgo.
SATURN is in Sagittarius until Dec 2017. This month he is retrograde and will travel from 11 to 9 degrees of Sagittarius. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 9 to 11 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, he is asking about your belief system, your hopes for the future and your travel plans
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus will stay at 24 degrees of Aries and will turn retrograde on Jul 29. We feel a need for freedom and we want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. This month he is moving retrograde and will stay at 11 degrees of Pisces. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 11 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is retrograde and move from 16 to 15 degrees of Capricorn. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 15 to 16 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a good month.
Janet Kane