When we experience a major planetary transit such as the Saturn Square Neptune aspect this month, I look to see how it is manifesting in the culture. I especially look at the current movies with that theme. For example, in 2008, we had Saturn opposite Uranus-- a law and order Saturn type meeting a Uranian crazy person. That was the year that the Dark Knight came out showing Bat Man fighting the Joker. See above for a review of that movie I wrote in 2008.
I have ‘ archetypal spies’ throughout the country that will alert me to anything I missed. One of them sent me the following email “See Alice movie, Saturn square Neptune”. The movie is Alice Through The Looking Glass and as usual most reviewers panned it because they don’t understand myth, fairy tales and metaphor. Where did they study film? The movie is all about Saturn, (Cronos in Greek, and the root word of chronology). The movie depicts clocks in an alternate world where miniature mechanical creatures represent seconds, minutes and hours. A character who is time itself is trying to keep time running forward and in a linear and logical fashion—the way we in our world experience time so that our reality makes sense. Alice comes in through a looking glass to this alternate world to steal the chromosphere and bend time (Neptune) so that she can save the Mad Hatter’s family and the world
Remember the first person to tell us that time and space can be bent was Einstein-- a Neptune ruled Pisces. It is rumored that Lewis Carroll did a lot of magic mushrooms. (Neptune) His natal chart shows an unaspected Neptune which means that Neptune would assert itself in erratic, intense unusual ways. Watching this movie you realize that Lewis was on something or his imagination was incredibly fertile. Go see the movie to understand the Saturn/Neptune dichotomy.
The important events this month are Saturn in a Square to Neptune on the 17th, Neptune turning retrograde on the 13th and Mars turning direct on the 29th.
The mutable signs: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces are really being impacted this month. Especially if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury. Venus or Mars) or the ascendant around 11 to 16 degrees of these signs. Mutable people like to pride themselves on being able to ‘roll with the punches’-- Well, get ready to roll.
June 1 – Sun Square Neptune at 12 Gemini/Virgo. I would postpone all important decisions today. Neptune is the planet of deception. This is a good day for creative, intuitive thinking. But not for practical ideas.
June 3 – Venus Square Neptune at 12 Gemini/Pisces.. Another possibly deceptive day. This one can affect your relationships. Don’t let others take advantage of you. During a Venus/Neptune transit we feel like sacrificing ourselves to someone or something.
Sun Opposite Saturn at 13 Gemini/Sagittarius. This makes this day very confusing. Sun and Saturn brings in restrictive responsibilities. Maybe some hard work. You feel hampered by people and events.
Venus opposite Saturn at 13 Gemini/Sagittarius. Another Saturn-- on this one you want to win the admiration of others –don’t’ even try.
Jun 4 – New Moon at 14 Gemini at 10:59 PM. A New Moon will shine a light on the planet or house it touches. It is the beginning of a situation that will last until the Full Moon on Jun 20. You will start something new, especially if you have personal planets at 13 to 15 degrees of Gemini. The area of life where these beginnings will take place is shown by the house in your chart that contains 13 to 15 Gemini. See keywords for planets here and meaning of the houses here
Sun Square Jupiter at 14 Gemini/Virgo. You need self-control on this one. Jupiter likes to eat too much, drink too much and have sexual escapades. Watch it!
Venus Square Jupiter at 14 Gemini/Virgo. Oh, does Venus love sweets. You may spend the day at Dunkin Donuts. Jupiter is a big, fat happy planet so he rules weight. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Jun 6 – Sun Conjunct Venus at 16 Gemini. This may not be too bad. This can bring in new friends and romance. There could be a strong attraction to someone of the opposite sex.
June 9 – Mercury Opposite Mars at 25 Taurus/Scorpio. You could get in a big argument today. Try a bit of self-control. Stay off the email, it will be too easy to tell someone off today.
June 12 – Mercury enters Gemini until June 29. Mercury rules Gemini so he is really happy here. During this time all of us will be more talkative, inquisitive, restless, nervous and witty.
June 13 – Neptune turns retrograde at 12 Pisces. Neptune has been slowing up and is now stationary in the sky and slowly turning retrograde. If you have any personal planets in Gemini, Sagittarius, Pisces or Virgo at this degree, be ready for aliens to come down from the sky to ask your advice. But, if you’re a Pisces, you should be used to this kind of thing.
June 17 – Venus enters Cancer until July 12. I like Venus in Cancer, she just wants to stay home and cuddle. I like that. You may decide to redecorate your home to make it more comfortable.
Saturn Square Neptune at 12 degrees of Sagittarius and Pisces. This is the biggie this month. Saturn wants logical, linear thinking and Neptune want artistic, imaginative, creative thinking.
June 20 – Full Moon at 29 Sagittarius at 7:02 AM. This should show the results of what you started at the New Moon of Jun 4.
Mercury Opposite Saturn at 11 Gemini/Sagittarius. If you have planned to take a trip today, don’t. Saturn wants to see you at home working, studying or cleaning up your messy house.
Mercury Square Neptune at 12 Gemini/Pisces. Now, you don’t want to clean or work or study—you want to daydream. OK, go ahead.
Sun enters Cancer until July 22. I now this is the month for vacations but we feel like staying home and focusing on our family. Try a family barbeque instead of travel.
Jun 22 – Mercury Square Jupiter at 16 Gemini/Virgo. You have some BIG ideas today. Don’t act on them write them down for another day when you are not so full of yourself.
Jun 26 – Jupiter Trine Pluto at 16 Virgo/Capricorn. A very creative aspect. You can make substantial progress on this one.
Jun 27 – Venus Trine Neptune at 12 Gemini/Pisces Get out the paint brushes, decorate your home. Write some inspirational poetry. Take up those long neglected tango lessons.
June 29 – Mercury enters Cancer until July 13. Mercury slows down in Cancer, he is less logical and more emotional. He wants to sit with a friend and have a heart-to-heart, UGH.
Mars turns direct at 23 Scorpio. If you have felt sluggish and not able to get ahead in your work or in your life in general, blame it on Mars who has been moving retrograde since April 17. Now you have no more excuses. It’s time to get busy. Set some long term goals. Get energized, work out in the gym.
June 30 – Venus Opposite Pluto at 16 Cancer/Capricorn. Do you know that sulky guy with the personality disorder in your office? Well, he is the one you may just fall in love with. Sorry. Or it may be the Mafia guy you met in the bar. If you are a man, you may fall in love with a shrew and there will be no taming her.
JUPITER is in Virgo this month and he moves from 14 to 17 degrees this month. Jupiter is about growth and expansion especially in travel and education and also in the area of your life ruled by the house in your natal chart that holds 14 to 17 degrees of Virgo.
SATURN is in Sagittarius until Dec 2017. This month he is retrograde and will travel from 13 to 11 degrees of Sagittarius. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 11 to 13 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, he is asking about your belief system, your hopes for the future and your travel plans
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus moves from 23 to 24 degrees of Aries. We feel a need for freedom and we want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. He will move from to 12 to 11 degrees of Pisces all month. He is turning retrograde on June 13. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 11 to 12 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces. Also contact with the other worlds through NDE’s.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is retrograde and move from 17 to 16 degrees of Capricorn. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 16 to 17 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a good month.
Janet Kane