The Christmas and New Years holidays were a rough time with the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Pluto in Capricorn. Early this month Mercury and Venus will move into Aquarius and on the 20th the Sun will move into Aquarius. We will feel better, trust me.
This month we have Mercury retrograde from Jan 21 until Feb 11. I like what Dark Star has to say about Mercury retrograde.
The only really nasty days are Jan 3 when the Sun squares Uranus and conjuncts Pluto and the 4th when the Full moon does the same. If you have 12, 13 or 14 degrees of Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra on the ascendant or personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) just stay home with the crazy quilt pulled up over your head.
Dates to Watch:
Jan 1 – Mars opposite Jupiter at 21 Aquarius/Leo. On the world stage, this could cause quarrels based on different beliefs and watch out for spats at home.
Jan 3 – Sun Square Uranus and Sun conjunct Pluto. The sun is triggering the Uranus Pluto square today. This can be quite explosive in the world at large and in your personal life. The degrees to check in your own chart are 12 and 13 Capricorn and Aries.
Venus enters Aquarius until Jan. 27. You want to be fair and treat everyone equally in relationships. Open marriage, anyone?
Jan 4 – Mercury enters Aquarius until Mar 12. Mercury loves it here, you want to talk to all your friends, you go nuts on face book trying to connect to all of those people you really don't know but say they are friends of yours.
Full Moon at 11:53 AM at 14 Cancer. This full moon is hitting the Uranus/Pluto square. Not fun. This may be some some stressful couple of days especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 14 Cancer, Capricorn, Aries or Libra.
Jan 12 – Mars in Pisces until Feb 19. Mars doesn't know which direction to go in when he is in Pisces. He is confused which means your goals may be delusional. Best thing to do on this one is to write some songs, or poetry, paint or just watch netflix movies and chill out.
Jan 14 – Mercury conjunct Venus at 12 degrees of Aquarius. You want to talk to your loved one about taking a break from each other. You feel suffocated with all of the kissy-face in the relationship.
Jan 15 – Mars Square Saturn at 2 degrees Pisces/Sagittarius. Push, pull. You are trying to be active and get some stuff done, but some person or circumstance is holding you back. Wait a few weeks to take on a big project.
Jan 19 – Venus Opposite Jupiter at 19 Aquarius/Leo. Not a good time to take risks or to go shopping. But optimism today may help you take on some difficult tasks.
Mars Conjunct Neptune at 5 Pisces. A confusing day and if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 5 Pisces or Virgo you are a total space cadet. You are “tilting at windmills”.
Jan 20 – Sun Enters Aquarius until Feb 18. I enjoy every year when the Sun goes into Aquarius. It is a breath of fresh air after a month of Capricorn. You will find yourself being more extroverted and sociable.
New Moon at 8:14 AM at 0 Aquarius. This is the beginning of the Aquarius period. A time to break out of your rut and try something different, but try not to be too weird.
January 21 – Mercury retrograde until 2/11. I am starting to like Mercury retrograde and I will tell you why. I have half read book, and half written articles all over my office and spilling over into the bedroom. Being a Gemini is my excuse. But when Mercury goes retrograde it seems that I can start to prioritize what is important like eating for instance. So look to this period as a time to be introspective and get in touch with what is important in your life.
Jan 27 – Venus in Pisces until Feb 20. Venus loves this sign, she gets all sentimental and teary about all the people she loved in the past. She looks through old photographs and weeps. She really enjoys it. This is what she calls having a real good time.
January 30 – Venus Square Saturn at 2 Pisces/Sagittarius. You neglect your friends today, you want to go home instead and count your money and look at your bank accounts. That is perfectly OK.
Sun Conjunct Mercury at 11 Aquarius. Today you decide to make some changes in your life. You want to rebel against the status quo, maybe quit your job, move or better yet, just stay home and think about all the ways you could be independent, quirky and interesting. It's safer that way.
JUPITER is in Leo until August 2015. This month Jupiter is retrograde will move from 21 Leo to 18 Leo. Jupiter is about growth and expansion. Look to the house in your natal chart that holds 18 to 21 degrees of Leo. During Jupiter Retrograde we are more interested in inner growth than we are in outward expansion.
SATURN is in Sagittarius until Dec 2018. (He will move back into Scorpio on June 16, 2015 until Sep 19, 2015.) This month Saturn moves from 0 degrees of Sagittarius to 3 degrees of Sagittarius. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets 0 degrees of Sagittarius or Gemini in your natal chart, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. While Saturn is in Sagittarius, Saturn is asking about your plans for the future, your religious beliefs and what meaning have you found for your life.
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus will move from 12 t0 13 degrees of Aries all month. We all feel a need to rebel; we want more freedom and want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. He will move from 5 to 6 degrees of Pisces this month. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 5 to 6 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is moving direct and will move from at 13 to 14 degrees of Capricorn. Everyone is feeling the urge to purge and to find his or her truth. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 13 or 14 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Happy New Year,
Janet Kane