I read two great books this month, one wastitled The Most Dangerous Book: The Battle for James Joyce's Ulysses by Kevin Birmingham. Joyce was so taken over by his daimon, that he spent every day and night writing Ulysses while he was going blind with a blanket over his shoulders from the cold. His daimon became a power attractor and people in Paris, England and the U.S. were supporting him before they had even met him or read Ulysses. One guy risked imprisonment to smuggle copies from the Canadian border. Ezra Pound took time away from his own writing to help Joyce. It reads like a thriller and is a fascinating story even if you haven't read Ulysses.
The other book I spent the last few months reading is The Dream of the Cosmos: A Quest For The Soul by Anne Baring. She is in her 80's and decided to write a book detailing how we got ourselves and our world into the real mess we see today , (hint : religion and science did us in) and how to get out of this it. It took her 20 years to write the book. She is a Jungian analyst living in England. She has put the entire text on the internet. But it is best to buy it because you will want to underline and keep it. The full text is here
The sad news last month is the death of Robin Williams. Two things struck me from looking at his chart. One is that transiting Saturn was on his ascendant. Saturn is the senex and Williams was definitely a Puer. Saturn on the ascendant was bringing an opportunity to be mature and deal with the responsibility of his illness. The danger of success, is that it keeps us stuck in old behaviors. He had a tight Uranus/Mars conjunction which would lead to his being manic and also brilliant. The main feature of his chart is triple water; that his Sun is in Cancer, the Moon is in Pisces and he has Scorpio rising. There is no air in the chart at all. Air gives you a quality of objectivity. You can stand back and look at your problems and figure out how to solve them. Each element has a primary emotion. With water, the emotion is sadness. And with being a triple water with no air, it would be hard to understand his suffering and to figure out ways to work with it. Read Glenn Perry on Williams' chart.
The best global activist website.
Some great programs coming up at the Jung Society here in Washington, DC. Jung Society of Washington
Dates to Watch:
Sep 2 – Mercury enters Libra until the 27th. Thoughts of love and harmony. If there is conflict in your life, this is a good time to do mediation and compromise.
Sep 3 – Sun Trine Pluto – You could receive very good advise today. There could be a profitable collaboration with someone.
Sep 5 - Venus enters Virgo until the 30th. I hope you had a romantic time when Venus was in Leo last month. Because now you will be quoting the Talking Heads, “this is not my beautiful wife, this is not my beautiful house. How did I get here?”
Sep 8 - Harvest Moon – Full Moon at 16 Pisces. This Full Moon is in a flowing trine to Saturn. A good time to finish up projects.
Sep 9 – Mercury square Pluto. Be careful of your expenditures. Avoid mistakes in financial planning.
Sep 10 - Venus opposite Neptune at 5 Virgo/Pisces. The love boat you meet today seems too good to be true, he is. Watch out for making wrong decisions especially in love or money. You will especially make a fool of yourself if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars) or the Ascendant at 5 degrees of Virgo or Pisces.
Sep 13 – Mercury opposite Uranus. You could enter into a dispute with a personal or business associate. In this flare-up someone is being very stubborn. Is it you?
Mars enters Sagittarius until Oct 26. You can become very enthusiastic and buoyant with Mars in this sign. Decisions are made spontaneously. Its a very good place for sports.
Sep 14 – Venus trine Pluto. Romance and courtship. (Does anyone court anymore?, I must be reading too much Jane Austen.) A good time to deepen your relationships.
Sep 21 – Mars Square Neptune. You think you are on the right track and know where you are going and what you are doing, but guess what? You are totally deluded. Go back to Go and start over.
Sep 22 – Pluto turns direct at 11 degrees of Capricorn. If you have any personal planets or the ascendant at 11 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer, Pluto can drag you down to the underworld to face your shadow and hopefully drag you back up renewed.
Sun enters Libra until Oct 23. This is a good time to get married, or form any kind of partnership, especially if it has to do with the arts.
Sep 24 – New Moon at 1 Libra. The start of a new monthly cycle. During the next two weeks we will be motivated to work on our relationships with others.
Sep 25 - Jupiter trine Uranus. Best day of the month. A lot of opportunities could present themselves to you today. Especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 14 degrees of Leo or Aries.
Sep 27 – Mercury enters Scorpio until Oct 10. Now we start to get a little paranoid. Use this energy to do research instead of trying to figure out who they are talking about at the water cooler.
Sep 29 – Venus enters Libra until Oct 23. Venus is in her home sign and is very happy. A good time for lovey-dovey, mushy, kissy face stuff if you can stand it.
JUPITER is in Leo until August 2015.. This month Jupiter will move from 10 Leo to 15 Leo. Jupiter is about growth and expansion. Look to the house in your natal chart that holds 10 to 15 degrees of Leo. Read my article about Jupiter in Leo here
SATURN is in Scorpio until Dec 24, 2014. This month Saturn moves from 18 to 20 degrees of Scorpio. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 18 to 120 degrees of Scorpio or Taurus in your natal chart, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. Scorpio rules passion, sex and depths of all kinds and Saturn may ask you to take on more responsibility for how you control your rage and psychological expression.
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus is retrograde and is moving from 15 to 14 degrees of Aries. We all feel a need to rebel; we want more freedom and want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026. He is retrograde and is moving from 6 degrees to 5 of Pisces all month. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 6 or 5 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is moving retrograde and will stay at 11 degrees of Capricorn. He will turn direct on the 22nd. Everyone is feeling the urge to purge and to find his or her truth. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 11 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a good month
Janet Kane