Every six months, eclipses show the turning points in our lives. They shine a spotlight on something we have not seen previously. Eclipses indicate what we are to accomplish for the following 6 months to 3 years. They bring in news and events that are sometimes "out of the blue". Time seems to speed up. In a positive sense, eclipses can clear what may obscure the way forward. Remember that the key words for eclipses are emphasis and crisis. Eclipses are contrary to the status quo. If impacted by one of these eclipses, your life will not run on the same track it has been on. But that can be a good thing. Some view eclipses as release and renewal points. If your birthday falls on or close to the dates of an eclipse your life will change dramatically in the months and years ahead.
The ancients believed that during an eclipse, the "mighty will fall". They appear often in the mythology of different cultures most often as symbols of obliteration, fear, and the overthrow of the natural order of things. Eclipses were the great omens of fated, large-scale events. The word eclipse comes from a Greek word meaning "abandonment." Quite literally, an eclipse was seen as the Sun abandoning the earth.
Lunar Eclipses - The Lunar Eclipse gives us opportunities to break out of our current cycle and move on to a different level. A Lunar Eclipse can make us more aware of our patterns, and our unconscious motivations. Lunar Eclipses can bring up old memories and feelings. As a full Moon, a Lunar Eclipse tends to bring completion or endings. On a Lunar Eclipse something will end and on a Solar Eclipse something will begin. A Lunar Eclipse is an opportunity to break habits or eliminate socially conditioned patterns of thought and behavior that stand in the way of self realization.
Full moon eclipses can bring things to completion that you have been working on. You can finally make decisions about issues that you have been thinking about. The Sun opposite the Moon, lights up the Moon and brings previously unexamined areas of your life into awareness.
Lunar Eclipses are more emotional than Solar Eclipses. Because a Lunar Eclipse only happens on a full moon, two houses in your natal chart will be affected.
Solar Eclipses – The eclipse of the Sun has been traditionally viewed with dread over the ages, as the Sun seems to disappear from the sky. It gets dark in the middle of the day and it seems as if something dreadful is about to happen. Solar Eclipses tend to relate to sudden events that disrupt our day to day functioning; they are the crisis that seems to come out of nowhere and that suddenly demand all of our conscious attention and focus. They tend to stir things up on a physical and conscious level much more than Lunar Eclipses.
Lunar Eclipse on April 15, 2014 at 3:42 AM EDT at 25 Libra
This eclipse will be visible in North and South America and it is predicted that the Moon will turn Blood Red. Pluto is stationary at the time of the eclipse and will add intensity and passion to this day. The eclipse along with Pluto will intensify the cardinal cross that we are having this month. (see my post for April on Janet's Blog Pluto can bring in secret deals and destruction.
This eclipse affects two signs – Aries and Libra. Aries want to be free and Libra wants to be in a partnership. This is the conflict that needs to be worked out during this eclipse period. It is about relationships versus self interest.
If one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) or the ascendant is at 23 to 28 degrees of Aries or Libra this eclipse will be important and make an impact in your life. It will mean the end of one set of circumstances and the beginning of another. Let go.
Solar Eclipse on Apr 29 at 2:14 AM EDT at 8 Taurus
Because this eclipse is in the sign of Taurus, we feel we need more financial and material security. We want our own home and money in the bank.
This Penumbral Moon of the eclipse will pass over the Southern Indian Ocean (will we find the Malaysian Airliner?) and also southern Indonesia and Australia.
Solar Eclipse will affect you if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and/or Mars) or the ascendant at 5 to 11 degrees of Scorpio or Taurus.
An eclipse tends to emphasize matters related to the house it falls in on your natal chart or what planets it conjuncts, or opposes. The areas ruled by the houses or planets will demand more attention, thought, energy, and time from you, at least until the next eclipse. Eclipses open doors and invite us to come in, illuminating and stimulating areas of our lives that need our attention.
Eclipses repeat every 19 years. We had two eclipses at the same point in April 1995. Look back to what happened then. This will continue a theme that was playing out at that time.
Look for a planet(s) in your natal chart located at 23 to 28 degrees of Aries or Libra for the Lunar Eclipse impact of Apr 25; And look at planet(s) at 5 to 11 Taurus or Scorpio for the April 29 Solar Eclipse.
The impact on a personal planet is much stronger than if the either eclipse hits outer planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto). To see a list of keywords for the planets, click here.
Look for the houses in your chart that contains 23 to 28 degrees of Aries or Libra for the Lunar Eclipse impact of Apr 25 and the houses that contain 5 to 11 degrees of Scorpio or Taurus for the April 29 eclipse. To see a brief list of areas covered by the different houses in your birth chart click here
I leave you in the lap of the gods.
PS: In my April forecast, I predicted Earthquakes in April because of the Cardinal Cross. I felt we could have a major earthquake on April 1 because of a trigger from the Sun to the Cardinal Cross and we did have a 8.2 earthquake in Chile. I think we may see more major earthquakes this month and in the following months. More earthquakes happen in the signs of Aries and Libra and the Lunar Eclipse on April 15 is in Aries and Libra and also this month Mars is in Libra and Uranus is in Aries.
PS: I have had some inquiries about the Blood Moons. John Hagee has published a book and has been on the internet warning us of the "end of times" because we are having 4 total lunar eclipses in a row starting on April 15. He feels we will have world-shaking events from April 2014 and October 2015 because they are happening on the dates of the Passover and the Feast of the Tabernacle. Lunar Eclipses are always on Full Moons and so are Passover and the Feast of the Tabernacle. So having these Lunar Eclipses fall of these religious holidays is no big deal. Also we had 4 total Lunar Eclipses in 2003/2004 and we are still here.
How to view the Lunar Eclipse http://www.cbsnews.com/news/total-lunar-eclipse-expected-to-be-visible-april-15/
The science behind eclipses http://eclipse.gsfc.nasa.gov/OH/OH2014.html#LE2014Apr15T