It is my personal opinion that in the science of the future reality will neither by “psychic” or “physical” but somehow both and somehow neither.
-- Wolfgang Pauli
I have been reading books exploring Jung’s mystical side. Most Jungians ignore his work on UFO’s and his interest in astrology. I am now reading Songlines of the Soul: Pathways to a New Vision for a New Century by Veronica Goodchild, PhD. She states that “Contrary then to the idea that a rational person should dismiss Jung as a mystic, I want to emphasize that the mystical is central to Jung’s work….”
She has chapters on UFO’s and discusses Jung’s writing on the subject as well as other authors to help explain the phenomenon.
She dedicates three chapters to Crop Circles (no, they are not created by some soused guys in a pub. Why is it that when something totally mysterious comes in we can’t handle it and need to have a rational explanation so that we don’t feel uneasy). We are seeing more crop circles all the time and with more complexity in design. There are also more UFO sightings than ever. Goodchild thinks both of these phenomenon contain important messages for mankind; that we are ready for a new paradigm of reality, a new world view. Goodchild believes in the possibility that Crop Circles, UFO sightings and near death experiences are “…signaling a shift in our collective unconscious that will lead toward a vastly expanded sense of who we are”. Jung claimed that the Judaeo-Christian myth was in decline and that our culture needed a new vision in order to survive. UFO’s and crop circles are heralding a radical change in our cultural myth.
She writes about synchronicities and how they may “…provide the beginning hints of a new worldview coming into consciousness, one to which we are being invited to pay close attention to enable us to balance and expand the more familiar coordinates of reality”. I have noticed in my own life that synchronicities are happening more frequently
She also has some fascinating ideas about mystical cities such as Shambhala, Avalon and others; are they just fantasy worlds, or do they exist is some deeper sense?
I don’t have the space to do justice to this work so checkout her website at
We live in an infinite cosmos stretching from fine (astral, etheric) non-local resonance fields to linear material space-time events—a kind of continuum of reality and energy—integrated through conscious intelligence” Stephen Greer
This month is has three planets changing directions; Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. If you were born within a few days of Oct 21, Mars will be stopping on your Sun on March 1 to turn retrograde. This will be an important day to think about where you have been and where you want to go as far as your actions and ambitions. If you were born a few days before or after Nov 15, Saturn will be stopping on your Sun on March 2. This will be a powerful day to think about your responsibilities. Are you taking on too much? If your birthday is within a few days of July 2nd, on March 6 Jupiter will be turning direct on your Sun. This will be a day to go ahead with your plans for travel and working on higher education or legal situations
Dates to Watch:
Mar 1 – Mars Retrograde at 27 Libra until May 19. He is considered to be in his detriment in Libra because he is the planet of war and Libra is the sign of peace. We may find we are frustrated because we want action, we want to pursue goals but Libra wants to go to the spa, have a fine dinner and slack off.
New Moon at 10 Pisces. This is the beginning of the lunar month. Pisces is the dreamer. A good time to form an intention of what you want to create this month. This New Moon is in a harmonious trine to Jupiter and Saturn. What a positive what to start the month. We get a breather from our problems for at least a couple of weeks.
Mar 2 – Saturn Retrograde at 23 Scorpio through July 20, 2014. Saturn wants you to slow down and come up with some better career plans and strategies. Saturn rules the structures in our lives and the rules we live by. During the retrograde, it is time to question those rules, also the responsibilities we have taken on in the past. Is it time to delegate these responsibilities to others? If you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, or Mars and the ascendant at 21 to 25 of Scorpio or Taurus, you may feel overburdened and ready to dump it all.
Venus Square Mars The Female and Male planets doing an angry dance. Not a good time for romance. Sex? Yes.
Mar 5 – Venus enters Aquarius. The planet of Love and attachment in the sign of detachment. You will be able to look atthat partner of yours with a much cooler gaze.
Mar 6 – Jupiter turns direct at 10 Cancer. If you have personal planets or the ascendant at 10 Cancer or Capricorn, it is time to finish your education, apply for a grant, travel to a foreign country, get that book published. Whatever house in your natal chart contains Cancer will expand.
Mar 11 – Mercury Square Saturn. A very cynical day. You don’t believe anything anyone tells you today. You could have delays or conflicts with authority figures, especially if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 23 Aquarius or Scorpio.
Mar 13 – Sun Trine Saturn. This is a good day to declutter, get organized and sort and clean up your home or office.
Mar 14 – Mercury Trine Mars. Very good day to concentrate on any communications. Reach out to others and do some social networking.
Mar 16 – Full Moon at 26 Virgo. This is the culmination of what you have wished for on the New Moon of Mar 1.
Mar 17 – Mercury enters Pisces until April 7. The planet of rational thinking and logic is in the airy fairy sign. A good time to write about your dreams or write fantasy fiction.
Mar 20 – Sun enters Aries until April 19. This is the beginning of spring and the beginning of the zodiacal year. A good time to make your New Years resolutions.
Mar 22 – Mercury conjunct Neptune. Mercury is in Pisces and conjunct the ruler of Pisces. Very spaced out day. Let your imagination soar. You may come up with some very creative ideas.
Mar 26 – Mercury Trine Jupiter. A positive day for expansive thinking. A good time to promote and advertise your work
Mar 29 – Venus Trine Mars. This is a good day for relationships. If some of your friendships have been on the rocks, a good day for repair.
Venus Square Saturn. This aspect could throw a spanner in the works.
Mar 30 – New Moon at 9 Aries. The start of a new month. If you didn’t get moving when the Sun entered Aries on May 20, this aspect will get your fanny in gear.
JUPITER is in Cancer until July 2014. This month he is Retrograde and will turn direct on March 6 and will move from 10 to 11. Jupiter is about growth and expansion, but on the Retrograde, it is inner growth that you are interested in. A good time to expand your life with education. Look to the house in your natal chart that holds 12 degree to 10 degrees of Cancer or Capricorn. This is the area of your life that will experience this expansion.
SATURN is in Scorpio until Dec 24, 2014. This month Saturn goes retrograde on the 3rd and moves from 32 to 22 degrees of Scorpio. If you have the ascendant or any personal planets at 22 to 23 degrees of Scorpio or Taurus in your natal chart, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. Scorpio rules passion, sex and depths of all kinds and Saturn may ask you to take on more responsibility for how you control your rage and psychological expression.
URANUS is in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus moves from at 10 to 12 degrees of Aries. We all feel a need to rebel; we want more freedom and want to make some radical changes in our life. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Pisces until 2026 and is moving from 5 to 6 degrees of Pisces. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 4 or 5 degrees of Pisces or Virgo. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights. Watch for some really inspired films to come out during the time Neptune is in Pisces.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto moves from 12 to 13 degrees of Capricorn all month. Everyone is feeling the urge to purge and to find his or her truth. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, ascendant or personal planets at 12 to 13 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a good month.
Janet Kane