The earth is such a difficult place for you. All you want to do is paint, dance, meditate and sing and don’t understand why the rest of us are constantly talking about wars and rumors of wars. This causes you to get confused and lost as if you were on the wrong planet. Well, the bad news is that Neptune, the planet that rules Pisces, is now in Pisces until 2025. This means that all of your Pisces traits will be magnified.
The good news is, it will be easier for you to communicate with the wood nymphs, tree spirits, elves, gnomes, channel your Indian Guru and talk to those who have passed on. But, please don’t carry on these conversations while you are walking down the street. You may suddenly be surrounded by guys in white coats, ---no they are not fairies --- RUN!
You have a Pisces Archetype if you have the Sun, Moon, Ascendant in Pisces and/ or Neptune in a challenging aspect (Conjunct, square, Opposition) to one of your personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars).
Water Element: Experiences are soulful and emotional
Mutable Mode: Energy breaks up forms and is distributed
Hero Type: Indecisive Hero, Introverted Style
Archetypes: The Mystic, The Poet, The Dancer
Moon in Pisces: Need for Emotional Expression
Sun in Pisces: The Search for Peace
Pisces Ascendant: Surrounded by temples, music, pastel colors
Myth: Orpheus
Orpheus is a musician and poet who plays such beautiful music that trees weep and rocks melt. He marries Eurydice, who dies right after the wedding. Orpheus cannot accept her death and pines for her. He goes into the underworld to get her back. He plays music to Cerberus, the 3-headed dog guarding the underworld, and puts him to sleep. He then plays to Pluto and Persephone, who love his music so much they agree to give hiim Eurydice back. They warned him not to look at her until they are out. Orpheus leads her up through the underground. Just when he is about to see light, he begins to doubt it is really her. He looks back, and she vanishes. Orpheus is not allowed back in the underworld, and he begins to grieve. Soldiers are partying, and resent him because he won’t join them. They throw javelins at him but his sad music stops the javelins. The revelers drown out his music by yelling, and this time their javelins kill him. He is decapitated and years later his head is found floating in the river and Orpheus is still singing. Some say he was killed by a thunderbolt from Zeus, angered by the mystic revelations Orpheus had made to new initiates.
Piscean Traits: Pisceans can dissolve boundaries, making them excellent peacemakers. They have trouble maintaining boundaries in their lives, even with their own unconscious. There is a part of Pisces that does not want to be defined. As soon as they have something that gives them structure, they do something to attract chaos. They run into trouble when they analyze a situation too rationally and lose touch with their intuition and feelings. Pisceans cannot find fulfillment outside, only inside themselves. Looking to others or to a job for fulfillment will not satisfy them. Their happiness and peace is inside them. Pisceans are very sensitive and come into harm when they associate with rough, aggressive types. Their creative gifts live long after they are gone. They share mystical truths with others.
Primary goal: Transcending the everyday world
Challenge: How do I balance spirit and matter?
Janet Kane