The dreaded 2012 is here! I am reading all sorts of dire predictions about the end of the world. But I don’t think so! Most of these are based on the Mayan prophecies. I think what happened is that the Mayans loved making calendars and had a wall listing dates (the Mayan long count) and when they got to the bottom of the wall, they ran out of space and stopped posting dates. They ended at the date of Dec 21, 2012 which has caused a panic, especially among astrologers and their readers. That is my theory, but I may be wrong.
I am reminded of one of The Simpsons episodes where the rapture (or as some of us call it, the rupture) occurs. As the true believers are floating up to heaven amidst total chaos, a Buddhist monk is standing with water rising around him saying – “I guess I was wrong, truth isn’t relative”. That could also be me when the asteroid hits, I’ll think, OOPHS! I was wrong about my theory and it’s too late to retract my newsletter.
2012 will be a pivotal year, though, and we can already see the changes. I think what Joanna Macy calls The Great Turning is occuring. What we have been experiencing and will experience in the future is a move from an Industrial Growth Society to a Sustainable Society. The change will be similar in scope to the time when we went from an Agricultural Society to an Industrial Society. It doesn’t happen overnight and it isn’t a smooth transition. I will write more about the astrological signature of these changes in a future article. Stay tuned.
This month:
Mars turns retrograde on the 24th. Before that all planets are moving direct. A good time to start a new project.
Dates to Watch:
Jan 1 – Mercury Square Mars. Everyone around you is speaking their mind today. It may not be pretty, don’t join in the rants. Stay cool.
Jan 9 – Full Moon at 18 Cancer at 2:20 AM. This Full Moon is in a flowing aspect to Mars in Virgo. A good time to make changes in your environment -- organize and clean. This Full Moon shines a light on your family and your home.
Jan 12 – Sun Trine Mars. You have plenty of energy today and it flows in a harmonious way. You can get a lot done without stepping on any toes.
Jan 13 – Venus trine Saturn. You may hear from a friend that you have not seen in a long time or some of the friendships you have may deepen.
Mercury Conjunct Pluto. Your natural paranoia can get totally out of control today. “Why is she looking at me that way – what is that person whispering about me – are the aliens about to land?” You need to sign up for some cognitive therapy especially if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus or Mars) or the ascendant at 7 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Venus Conjunct Neptune. Maybe your paranoia is not so misplaced, this aspect means that your friends may be keeping secrets from you; someone IS talking about you behind your back. Or you could be totally deluded. Watch out if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 29 degrees of Aquarius or Leo.
Jan 14 – Venus enters Pisces until February 8, 2012. You get really mushy and cloying during this period and it is hard for someone like me with a touch of Aspergers to tolerate, so cut it out.
Jan 19 – Sun Square Saturn at 29 Capricorn and Libra. Time to get down to work, you have been goofing off since Christmas. Today the boss will clamp down on you – “get off facebook, stop the internet shopping and dig into the pile of paper on your desk.”
Jan 20 – Sun enters Aquarius until February 19. I like it when the Sun is in Aquarius, it means that the Sun will enter my first house and that is the beginning of a new year for me. When the Sun is in the sign of your ascendant you can begin a new cycle of growth. It’s your New Year. So this is a New Year for Aquarian Rising types.
Jan 22 – Sun Square Jupiter. You need to exhibit some self control today. I know you want to go shopping, buy a lottery ticket and stop for some fast food and ice cream, but don’t do it. Wait one day till this is over. You probably won’t listen to me if you have personal planets or the ascendant at 1 degree of Aquarius or Taurus.
Jan 23 – New Moon 2:30 AM at 2 Aquarius. This is the beginning of a new circle. Send out your intentions for what sort of creative projects you want to accomplish this month. Aquarius is the sign of innovation and unusual, eccentric, out of the box ideas.
Mercury Trine Mars. Good aspect for writing. You are able to get your point across today.
Mars turns retrograde at 23 Virgo until Apr 14, 2012. All of those laid back, sweet, yoga and organic food loving Virgos will be over stimulated during this period. They may even get angry, Horrors!
Jan 27 – Mercury Square Saturn at 29 degrees of Capricorn/Libra. You can butt heads with your boss or parent today. They are trying to tell you what to do and you come back with an acerbic, sardonic, sarcastic remark. That really doesn’t help.
Mercury enters Aquarius until Feb 13, 2012. There are no restrictions on your thinking and speaking during this period. Just let it fly -- the more outrageous the better.
Jan 28 – Mercury Square Jupiter at 2 degrees Aquarius and Taurus. Today, instead of your conversation being clever you are just totally obnoxious. No one wants to hear about your great exploits and how wonderful you are.
JUPITER is in Taurus until June 11, 2012 this month and will move from 9 degrees to 2 degrees. Now is the time to move ahead with our optimistic plans for the future, especially if you have the ascendant, Sun or Moon between 0 and 2 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio.
SATURN is in Libra (structure, foundation, and responsibility) until Oct 2012. This month Saturn is moving from 28 to 29 degrees of Libra. If you have the Ascendant or any personal planets at 28 or 29 degrees of Libra in your natal chart, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. Libra rules relationships of all kinds and Saturn may ask you to take on more responsibility for how your relationships work.
URANUS is in Aries and will stay in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus is moving from 0 to 1 degrees of Aries. Wanting freedom and a need to make radical changes will be felt by those with the Ascendant, Sun and personal planets at 0 or 1 degree of Aries or Libra. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams) is in Aquarius this month and will move from will move from 28 to 29 degrees of Aquarius this month. Neptune will move into Pisces in February 2012 and will stay in Pisces until 2026. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by those of you with the Sun or Personal Planets at 28 to 29 degrees of Aquarius or late Aquarius ascendant types. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto will move from 7 to 8 degrees of Capricorn. Everyone is feeling the urge to purge and to find his or her truth. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, Ascendant or personal planets at 7 or 8 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a great year!
Janet Kane
PS: I want to thank all of my readers who have put up with my twisted sense of humor and for the comments you have posted on my blog.