The big news this month is the eclipse on Jul 1 which is the final eclipse in the triple series that started on Jun 1. The July l eclipse is a Partial Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees of Cancer and it occurs at 4:54 AM EDT. This is the most potent of the 3 eclipses because it forms a grand cross with the cardinal T-Square we have been experiencing since the summer of 2010. The T-Square consists of Pluto in Capricorn in a 90 degree angle (Square) to Uranus in Aries, Square to Saturn in Libra.
Because this eclipse occurs in Cancer, it fills in the missing space and completes the T-Square that makes it a grand cross. The cardinal square brought in dynamic energy for revolution and change at all levels. The reason it is a Cardinal Grand Cross is because all these planets are in Cardinal Signs which are the most action-oriented, dynamics signs. This eclipse also trines Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus. These are positive aspects. It gives us the ability to be optimistic and to flow with the energies. But the cardinal square trumps these beneficial aspects but they may will play a part in this eclipse.
Some astrologers are saying that the struggles we have been going through may start to dissipate because the Sun and Moon move on after the eclipse and Neptune may dissolve the square. I hope they are right. I do think that around the eclipse time of Jul 1, we may see more of the death and rebirth struggles that have been going on around the world especially in the Middle East.
The closest aspect to the eclipse is a square to Saturn. Saturn represents the reality principle and being in Libra it is about treaties and laws about equality. We just saw the gay marriage law passed in NY as an example of this energy. Saturn rules laws and Libra rules marriage, peace treaties and equality. We may also see treaties around this time. Eclipses can last up to 6 months and can come in one month early.
See the article on my blog for more information about this eclipse. --Eclipse Article
The good news is that there are no more eclipses until Nov 25, 2011.
Uranus turns retrograde on July 9. The planet of sudden change becomes more hidden and subversive. You may be surprised by what comes up during this retrograde period. There could be sudden revelations in the news and sudden insights in your personal life.
Mercury turns retrograde next month on August 2 until August 26. So do your important shopping this month especially for electronic items and vehicles.
Dates to Watch:
Jul 1 – A Solar Eclipse at 9 Cancer. To find out how this eclipse will affect you personally. Find where 9 Cancer falls in your birth chart and check the list of meanings of the planets and the houses under Pages on my blog Janet's Blog
Jul 2 – Mercury moves into Leo until the 28th of July. With Mercury in Leo, we gain confidence in our ideas and are not afraid to tell others how brilliant we really are.
Sun Square Saturn at 11 Cancer and 11 Libra. Today is a good day to get down to work and start organizing the mess you have made in your house and office the last few years. Especially get organized if you have the ascendant or personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and/or Mars) at 11 degrees of Cancer or Libra.
July 4 – Venus moves into Cancer. Just in time for the 4th of July celebration. Now is the time to hold the barbecue for your family. They won’t irritate you as much as usual with Venus in Cancer. Venus moves into Leo on the 28th when you will no longer want them around unless they totally adore you and show it.
Venus Trine Neptune – You feel very loving and creative. A good day to decorate the house, buy some throw pillows or a painting. Spruce the home up a bit.
Mercury Trine Uranus. Some really kooky, but brilliant ideas can come in today. Get out your notebook and pen and write up a storm. You will be especially intellectually dazzling if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 5 Leo or Aries.
Jul 5 – Mercury Square Jupiter – This also is also a great one for putting down your thoughts. Jupiter expands the ability if Mercury to communicate. Of course you have to be careful about putting your foot in your mouth. Best to write and not talk.
Jul 6 – Mars trine Saturn. Mars and Saturn are both known as malefics, which is not good. But when they are in a benefic aspect they are very good. This aspect means that Mars your energy can be very productive (Saturn). today. Plan on getting a lot done.
Jul 7 – Jupiter Trine Pluto at 6 Taurus and Capricorn. This is a very creative aspect and foretells a lot of gains and progress. This aspect is favourable for research and law. This is especially good for you lucky folks with the ascendant or personal planets at 6 degrees of Taurus and/or Capricorn.
Venus Square Uranus at 5 Cancer and Aries. You could start acting crazy today with your loved ones. OR, you may attract a very exciting, but a little wacky love interest or friend.
Jul 8 – Venus Opposite Pluto at 6 Cancer and Capricorn. On this one you could become totally obsessive about your relationships with friends and lovers. You may drive them away. Cool It! Look for the ascendant or personal planets at 6 degrees of Cancer and Capricorn.
July 9 - Uranus stations and turns Retrograde today until Dec 10, 2011 at 5 degrees of Aries. 5 Aries becomes a very potent point in the sky a few days before the 9th and a few days after. We may feel very charged up, irritable and restless especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 5 degrees of Aries or Libra. Since Uranus is the planet of change and revolution, while it is retrograde expect the unexpected. There may be surprises in the area of life rules by the house 5 degrees of Aries is located in your natal chart. This area is subject to sudden fluctuations. Also you may feel rebellious and a bit stubborn.
Jul 13 – Venus Square Saturn at 11 Cancer and Libra. You may go around whining today that no one loves you. Well, guess what? No one does. Sorry, just kidding. Stop feeling sorry for yourself today. So you are not as charming and irresistible as usual, your normal pizzazz will come back another day.
Jul 15 – Full Moon at 22 Capricorn. This Full Moon can bring fulfilment of what you have been working on since last month. Don’t fall into pessimistic and negative thinking. Your energy may be sluggish. Just keep plugging along.
Jul 23 – Sun enters Leo today until August 23. This is the month for entertaining, getting together with the kids and having a good time.
Jul 27 – Sun Trine Uranus at 4 Leo and Aries. Have you noticed that I am a little partial towards Uranus, he brings in excitement and out-of-the-box ideas which I love. Do something unusual today, step out of your comfort zone especially if you have the ascendant or personal planets at 4 degrees of Leo or Aries,
July 28 – Mercury moves into Virgo until August 8 when it backs into Leo again. Now we can get down to the detailed work that we usually avoid.We can be very analytical and nitpicky.
Venus moves into Leo until August 21. During this time it is not enough that your boyfriend brings over a DVD and expects you to cook dinner. No Way! You want diamond earrings or furs (does anyone buy furs anymore?) In other words you want stuff!
Jul 30 – New Moon at 7 Leo. Make an intention today that you are going to have more fun, throw more parties and not get so bogged down in work.
JUPITER is in Taurus this month and will stay in Taurus until June 2012. This month Jupiter is moving from 5 to 9 Taurus. Now is a time to re-evaluate our belief systems especially if you have the ascendant, Sun or Moon at 5 degrees of Taurus or Scorpio. This is a time to plan your future in a no-nonsense practical way.
SATURN is in Libra (structure, foundation, and responsibility) until Oct 2012. This month Saturn is moving from 11 to 12 degrees of Libra. If you have the Ascendant or any personal planets at 11 or 12 degrees of Libra in your natal chart, you may be in store for some hard lessons around the issues ruled by the planet and the house the planet is in or rules. Libra rules relationships of all kinds and Saturn may ask you to take on more responsibility for how your relationships can work.
URANUS is in Aries and will stay in Aries until 2018. This month Uranus is stationary and moves retrograde on July 9. Uranus is moving from 5 to 4 degree of Aries this month. Wanting freedom and a need to make radical changes will be felt by those with the Ascendant, Sun and personal planets at 4 to5 degree of Aries. I believe in “cooperating with the inevitable”. If you have Uranus in a challenging aspect to your ascendant or personal planets, go on a long vacation, move, or make some major changes in your life.
NEPTUNE is in Pisces until 2026. Neptune (creativity, sensitivity, escapism, dreams). Neptune is retrograde and will stay retrograde all month moving from 1 to 0 degrees of Pisces. Neptune in Pisces is a time of higher consciousness when we becomes aware of the suffering of others. Neptune rules compassion. A lack of focus, a sense of drifting or an inability to see a betrayal or disappointment until it's too late can be experienced by Sun in Pisces and Pisces Ascendant types. This effect will be strongest in those with personal planets 0 or 1 degree of Pisces of Virgo in their natal. For the enlightened out there, Neptune can also bring artistic, musical, creative expression, increased dreams and spiritual insights.
PLUTO is in Capricorn until 2023. This month Pluto is moving retrograde from 6 to 5 degrees of Capricorn. Everyone is feeling the urge to purge and to find his or her truth. Profound changes will be felt especially by those with Sun, Ascendant or personal planets at 6 to 5 degrees of Capricorn or Cancer.
Have a great month,
Janet Kane